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where is nileno dorvayn?

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where is nileno dorvayn?

Post by Jacob28348 »

where is she? or anyone else that can give me some house hllalu quests? curios wont give me any and everyone else says to goto nileno dorvayn. I checked in the council house in balmora and she isnt there. Its possible that I have killed her, is she suposed to be there?
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Post by Jacob28348 »

grr this blows no one will give me any orders. I wanted two houses :(
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Post by Tybaltus »

Well she is the one right at the entrance of the council hall-she is a dunmer with white hair-whoever I do understand your crisis because there have been people who have mysteriously disappeared in my games-without me killing them. Its a bug in the game. (My first character the travel mage at ald-ruhn disappeared-I knew I didnt kill her because I was part of the mages guild and I was never expelled-but she just disappeared. My second character the orc at balmora's mages guild disappeared-I knew I didnt kill her because no message ever showed up that I put myself in a doomed world-she mysteriously disappeared aswell.)

So heres my suggestion-loading doesnt work because the person wont be their even if you load-try going to the hlaalu canton in Vivec. Go to a person in the waistworks on the opposite hallway from the hlaalu treasury. Or you could go to the plaza where you could talk to Cassius Curio, who you can get quests and advancement from-he resides in his manor in the hlaalu plaza in the hlaalu canton in Vivec.
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[color=sky blue]I know that I die gracefully in vain. I know inside detiorates in pain.[/color]-Razed in Black
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