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Post by Crypt_Fiend »

while in dialogue with a character that sells you items can you use the steal button on that screen without being caught.
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Post by Maurice »

Nope, you have a chance of behind caught red handed. The better your pickpocket skill, the better your chances for success will be.

If you get caught in the act, your reputation will drop 2 points, and the merchant will go hostile and leave the area you're in. He won't 'unturn' later in the game, he's angry for good in that case.
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Post by Crypt_Fiend »

Thanks again.
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Post by Weasel »

Certain merchants have a lesser chance of catching you too.Check the previous topics on this subject.(Sell to merchant ,steal it right back,sell it again =$$$$$$$ But remember you have to sell it to a fence the second time.). Image

(I would betray the world before i let the world betray me.) Chao Chao 192 a.d.

[This message has been edited by Weasel (edited 12-23-2000).]
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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Post by ZeroKnight »

If you want to be able to Steal and get rich easy and suit up your squad. Go to Waulkeens Promenade..(sp prolly ;D) Go to the blacksmith he is on near the left and up top in a room, its like the top most door. There is 2 Guys there, 1 who sells armor and 1 that sells random junk but has a lot of magical arrows. I recommend (sp?) stealing Full Plate Mail +1 for all your Melee People and stealing a lot o Arrows for your Thief. Now you need to Have a PickPocketing Skill of around 150 to not get caught. So drink a Potion of Master Thievery and use the gloves of pickpocketing. And if your looking for money, steal a lot of arrows of dispelling and sell those bad boys...there like 1300 a pop. There might be errors in this but that's because im Tired Image

()::[::::::::> If you can't steal it, it's not worth it. ~Z
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