Has anyone seen the cool racial npc Tibbit in the new rules of D+D? I have used this character since i found it in a 1989 edition on Dragon, but i think that its time for a new version of it to be used (seen as though i have been adapting it to new systems for several years now). Its a cat-were character, often found on Pandamonium.
Anyone seen this great little fella?
Excitus Acta Probat - The Outcome justifies the Deed
There's plenty- if not to much cat like races out there! Shouldnt be to hard to find try http://www.community3e.com/class.html (hope this isnt against the rules of posting)
*looks nervous*
HAY Craig your right gnomes have big noses- but all the better to erm sniff you with.
*looks nervous*
HAY Craig your right gnomes have big noses- but all the better to erm sniff you with.
I didnt succeed that hide in shadows test did I?
No your back now has about 67 little arrows in it!
No your back now has about 67 little arrows in it!