What does "AC" abbreviate into really? Many people would think something simple, such as "Air Conditioning" or "Armor Class" from the BG and Icewind games, but there are actually a lot of meanings for "AC".
From my charactoristics alone, you could come up with "Animal Caretaker", "Anti Chauvenist" or, as suggested by Maharlika, "Anomen's Consort".
I've had plenty of time to try and figure myself out, and now after a looooooooong period of time, I've hit 1000 posts. After all the Taverns, drinking parties and all whatnot, now I've got this question on my mind: Who cares what "AC" stands for?
So here is my drinking establisment, "AC's Bar & Grrrrril", where the DFs are dominant and the men have to learn to behave themselves for once.
Being the Bar Wench for the day, I'm proud to say that drinks are on me! (Unless you're BS, Odie, Mah, Ned or Rob-hin in which case I will only pay for the first round. You five people will drink me out of business.
Drink up, ya'all!