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Mae'Var Guild.......*possible spoiler*

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Mae'Var Guild.......*possible spoiler*

Post by john@nz »

Need some serious help here. I'm currently doing the Mar'Var guild quest and can't seem to find Mae'Var......everyone says he's in the basement but i can't seem to find the entrance to the basement......i think i've about searched everywhere including the numerous exits the building has! I would really appreciate some help here! :confused:
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Post by khimaira »

When you get downstairs there's some boxes and stuff and a wall. There's a hidden door in that wall, you should find it. Mae'Var [oh god I hate him] is behind that door.
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Post by Nightmare »

Alslo, if you can't even get downstairs (which seems to be the problem), there are stairs inside the guildhouse, they are in the room just north of the enterence room. Also, there is a door outside leading directly down to the basement (its somewhere to the east side of the map).
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Post by Shadowspawn »

A few background notes first. You have to visit with Renal Bloodscalp at the Shadow Thief Guildhall (Docks District, north west side of map) and he'll give you a set of Transfer papers. You need to present these to Gorch (the storekeep in Mae'Var's guild located between Cromwell's house and the Sea's Bounty Tavern)or you won't be able to gain access to the guild. Present the papers to Gorch, and he'll let you pass through the secret door that leads to the Thieves Guild. Head for the basement and meet with Mae'Var.

Hope this helps and is what you are looking for.
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