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All unemployed Rangers please form a line over there

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Wraithus Dire
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All unemployed Rangers please form a line over there

Post by Wraithus Dire »

It's official
Ranger Bob has been put out to pasture. He's hung up his bow and faux-leather tunic for good.

But please, it wasn't really his fault.

All that time sitting in the woods dancing with wolves; and well, the world just passed him by. And while Ranger Bob was discussing the nuances of acorn-gathering with Pipo-the-Squirrel, average men and women fighters were picking up bows & arrows. Those hard-hearted stout adventurers wouldn't let Bob be the only sharp-shooter. Oh no. "To the abyss with those tree-loving, dirt-eating wannabe druids" clammered the new-breed of fighter.

And so it began. In one fell swoop, a beer-drinkin' salty dog named Oz picked up Rapid & Precise Shot, throwing some attention to bow weapons. He was bigger, oh aye, and just as dexterous. Two-weapon and ambidexterity came soon after, but unlike Tango's-with-moose Ranger Bob, the feral Oz could open his can of whoop-arse in full plate.

By level 10ish, Oz was twice the man Bob could hope to be. And he was a lot more fun at parties.

So, Ranger Bob, we bid you adieu. Don't spend that unemployment in one place.

...unless it's to buy a few ranks of fighter.
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Post by fable »

Well, yes. Rangers are very under-powered here, but I think that's true of 3E in general.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
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Post by seraphim »

agreed. i have always played rangers due to their two weopn style, good bows skills, and the eventual use of clerical spells. now, though, with 3rd edition, rangers are very very underpowered. sad sad sad day. poor ranger bob. i miss him so.
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Post by cjdevito »

Now, now. Don't pick on the ranger -too- badly. He may be useless as a single class, but one level of ranger for a rogue works miracles :)
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Post by Schwoebli »

anyone tried a ranger with weapon finesse and an insane high dex? ok, then you could also take ranger 1 / rogue x
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Post by draconigena »

The ranger used to be one of my favorite classes. In Icewind Dale II, my ranger was a burden to the party. My rogue was a better ranger than she was. I ended up getting rid of her and replacing her with a sorcerer. Why, with a strength of 18, could she only carry 160 lbs?! (the sorcerer could carry more!)
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