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Enchantment level

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Enchantment level

Post by Oblivion »

What's the item with the highest enchantment level? The highest i've seen is like 90 but that's not enough with constant effect enchantments. I wonder what happens if you enchant an item with a summon and constant effect? will the monster always be there? the problem is that it requires over 100 enchantment, so i can't find out
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Lord of Balmora
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Post by Lord of Balmora »

Exsquisite ring. It has 120 enchantment level. I used it for my priceless "Ring of Uuber Opening" :)
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Post by Quarrel »

The Daedric Wakizashi has an enchant level of 135 and I think the Daedric Spear comes out at 150.
IIRC, there is some Daedric armor that comes even higher.
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