The plot was really difficult for me, because I'm used to playing Grand Theft and so on. I'll summurize quickly and maybe you people can tell me if it's right.
As far as I get it, there was this dude named Baal, then he had sex with a lot of women and so you were born. Then Gorion came along and raised you in some kind of public library. After the old man got himself killed, you grew up, went on to foil this Sarevok's evil plans, and became a hero. All of sudden Irenicus shows up and locks you up to soak up your talents. Then you go after him, chase him down to hell and murder him. After that, you somehow get transported to some weird place where you kill off your bros and become a god.
Can you guys clear up on the... how you got to hell and then suddenly you're in some weird place (pocket plane???) Also, you ended up as a god, what's that supposed to mean??? I did read all the dialogues but I got headache. It doesn't make sense to me. I think, BG has enough stuff in it to make a novel out of it.
Murphy's Constant
Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value.
In BG1 you discovered that you were a child of Bhall (Time of troubles prophesy) and when you were born (from Bhall and a Bhallist priestess called Alianna) you were to be sacrified to reincarnate the now dead god of Murder, However Gorion Burst in with his wizard buddies saving you from a grizzly fate (and Imoen as well i think? dont know where she fitted in) anyway you were taken and raised in candlekeep (Starting area of BG1) and grew up there with gorion and imoen.
On your venture out you get pulled in to a struggle with another Bhallspawn (Sarevok) who wishes to raise the lord of murder by creating as much bloodshed and death as possible between Baldurs Gate and Amn (nice bloke i think) anyways you battle your way to his underground hidden base (Bhalls long lost temple...not so lost) and hopefully foiled his plans and killed him there and then.
You stay in Baldurs gate a hero but decide to return to Candlekeep however you get molested by thieves that capture you and drag you off to their dark master (Old Irenicus aka Joneleth an elf from Suldanessalar a huge forest elf city) and he wishes to steal your immortal essence and Imoens to give back his and Bodhi's (his sister) souls, they complete this ritual and then procede to kill all that are in their way by pitting a entire Drow army against the forest elves of Suldanessalar. While you batle your way to the fabled elf city you kill Bodhi and help Imoen regain her soul and then procede to kill Irenicus in Suldanessalar at the tree of life (Irenicus wants to drain the trees life force and become a seldarine or elven god so he can rain down destruction) But when you kill him he drags your soul (and consequently you) down to the abyss or hell where you battle your own demons to gain back your soul.
The hell your in is the "Throne of Bhall" where the dead god used to "live" his kingdom if you will and once you had regained your soul it had reawakened.
Once you killed irenicus "again" you awaken in Suldanessalar and stay there for a time.
In Tethyr (South of Amn) Bhallspawn (all of Bhalls other love childs) have been gathered together by melissan (a Bhall priestess high assassin by trade) as she wants all the bhallspawn to kill each other off so that thier immortal essence's return to the source of bhalls power so that she can reclaim it herself and become a god of murder.
However there are 5 greater bhallspawn in which most of Bhall's power is housed and so she can not kill them alone, thus she gets you to do her dirty work for her.... and so while your offing your more powerful siblings she is gathering all the power and becoming nearer to godhood. When the final of the 5 dies you must fight Melissan in the Throne of Bhall and reclaim its power.
Since all of the Bhallspawn bar you and Imoen are dead you can reclaim the power and become a god (the whole idea behind Sarevok, Irenicus and melissans plan) this was the whole point of Bhall having sex with all the ladies so that he could be born again when all his kids were dead....but if one should be better than all the rest then they could reclaim the prize and take his place.
The POCKET PLANE is the Throne of Bhall your sanctuary kindly donated by Bhall, its a testing ground for your soul and your immortal essence to become ready for godhood if you chose to be one (and why wouldnt you!!!) You just get beamed up to the pocket plane when you need to be tested or valuable info is given.
Suldanessalar is just north of Tethyr or is in Tethyr and so while you leave suldanessalar you are in Tethyr, Queen ellesime says that you should visit a grove as it may unlock the old prophesy (where you met Illisera and kill her)
Bhaal and the other gods (excetp 1 - Helm IIRC) where forced to walk the earth as mortal (avatars?) in the time of trouble. Hence he/they would be killable.
He had foreseen his death and to ensure that he would be able to return, he got children with several women (all pristess?), wich should be sacraficed to raise him again.
And it was because Gorion and his buddies raided the temple you lived in you weren't killed.
If you want a more detailed story of times of trouble, there are sites on the net that tells the tale (and IIRC books in BG/BG2?)
I think the gods were made mortal because Bane or Myrkyl stole some tablets from Ao and he got pissed off. thats why he made them all mortal to teach the gods a lesson and on thier mortal voyages heaps of them got killed like mystra and cyric was made a god.
The books are TERRIBLE. I've only read the first quarter of the SoA book, and its terrible. Apperently, Imoen goes lesbian with Phaere. They would be better if the auther actually read the books, because he sure didn't.
[ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: Gaxx_Firkraag ]
If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.