You have to, I'm afraid -- I could find no other way to get any belladonna (for the airship) then by killing them, and I tried. With a high enough diplomacy and intimidate AND bluff all on one character, you can negotiate safe passage from them... but without killing them, you can't get Oswald's ship fixed.
Small Spoiler: So far, the only beladona I found was on the leader of Andora. You have to go up the stairs to get on top of the arch where he was shooting at you. Now, before hand, I met with him, alone, and witnessed the murder of his panther. Did you do this as well?
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
I talked to odea the panther first then made my way through to speak to ilium. He sort of spouted off to me and I opened fire on the lot of 'em. When my dwarven fighter downs a potion of freedom/movement bad things happen to the bad guys.
I killed them and not just the men...the women and children too. I HATE THEM.
Whoa! sorry, either way I wrecked the lot of 'em and looted ilium. I just don't remember picking up bella donna. I don't recall it in anyone's inventory.
I'll have to take a second look. either way, I've moved onto the next map, the caverns with the doomguards. That said, if I go back I would guess anything left unpicked up will be gone. will I have to use a cheat console to warp in some bella donna.
Crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.
I shoulda used a spoiler warning, shouldn't've I? I'm betting the belladonna sticks around for you, since you need it for the airship. I've only gone the next two maps past Andora, and have found redundant wood piles, diamonds, broken armor, and that elixir used to treat the belladonna, but no redundant belladonna so far. So, I doubt if you're hosed.
I, unlike you Mr. Flanders, took no pleasure in killing all the druids and wolves at Andora. They cried like babies and begged for their mothers, which did not leave a satisfying taste in my mouth.
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
They cried like babies and begged for their mothers, which did not leave a satisfying taste in my mouth.
It's even more annoying because you -can- talk your way through them peacefully.... just without any way to get that damn belladonna. I've tried pickpocketing Illium with a pickpocket of 30, and I fail every time. Only -remote- possibility I've thought of is perhaps if you negotiate peacefully with Andoria, then do all the ice palace maps, then return to Andoria, perhaps with the death of the aurilite priestesses you can now convince Illium to hand you the belladonna.
by HLD
Note to Flanders: AOTC and IWD2 do not mix.
for there are no tuskan raiders in the spine of the world. Still, I really didn't care for those auril druids and rangers. I did kill them all, including the women and wolves.
Crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.
This may be a little crude due to not being so familiar with the names. But I passed by the Aurelians peacefully and was still able to get the Belladonna. After you rescue the guy from inside that insect's stomach (the guy that rides a spider), you can ask him if he has any and get it from him.