The main campaign was a dissapointment to me, there wasn't a single inspired moment that just took me a by surprise, a great deal of the plot is very obvious and frankly i do expect better. On the other hand the story does make use of the new 3D engine which as much as many people didn't like it, i think it is a solid innovation and certainly worth the effort that Bioware put into it.
I know a great deal of people complain about the graphics but the 64MB texture pack does make the game look very good indeed and the sound effects are also very well implemented. Only a few of the VO's felt out of place, i did want to put Aribeth over my knee and give her a spanking for all her anime esque screaming and raving. Lord Nasher was also quite surly, you think the guy would want to have your babies...not just gripe all the time.
Some of the side quests were often quite interesting, such as the trial where you have to defend the Uthgardt, but at the same time they could have made that a much grander affair. Many of the other side quests were boring, oh look it's a Modron Maze...oh sorry i mean default dungeon number 3... *sigh*
It is indicting i think that there is more work put into the tilesets of the caverns than any other, at least that is how it seemed to me.
The rewards as one progressed through the game were also questionable, i spent most of the game with the same swords, there wasn't even my old friend "POWERGAMING" to rely on, so i get 5000 for completing a quest, it then costs me 25'000 to construct a reasnoable set of armor...something about that doesn't tally.
My favourite moment was when i reimported a Barbarian just for a laugh and went into the Prison, on entering one of the chamber i was greeted with about 14 mages all firing acid arrows at was quite a battle to remove them all and possibly my most difficult battle on the game.
They could have spent a little more time balancing items, i went through 2 chapters with the exact same weapon because nothing I found was any better
On that note can anyone tell me why my Uthgardt ceremonial blade can not harm a Baalor yet my Composite Longbow +3 can?
It's little niggles that could have been looked over with a truly great plot, and that my friends is what i feel is missing the most.
I do really like this game, don't get me wrong. I think it is a true innovation of the genre and with the mod work from many of the community veterans it is sure to only improve over time, even I have dabbled with the Aurora Toolset and am enjoying my time with it (even if i do hate scripting
Oh i haven't mentioned henchman since that debate has been done to death