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classes and kits

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale II.
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damien the 3rd
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classes and kits

Post by damien the 3rd »

ive looked at the blackisle site but it says nothing about classes. so could someone give me a link to get to somewhere to get info on classes and their availability to races
i looked down the mine shaft to see if the cart was coming

it was-epitaph on nashkel gravestone
Executioner: so what is your last request?
Prisoner: just a clean death, so could you test the axe on my bonds
Executioner: Hmmm, all right.
Prisoner :( running away) thanks
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Post by HighLordDave »

There are no longer any racial restrictions on classes. Any race can take any class at any time. If you're not a human or half-elf, your race has a "favoured class", but there is no restriction from a half-orc being a paladin or a dwarf being a wizard anymore.
Jesus saves! And takes half damage!

If brute force doesn't work, you're not using enough.
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