I am in western pass and I have collected all the necessary items that are required to fix the ship except one.
I need a smidgeon of iron ore and the book says that a normal weapon will do.
I do not have a normal weapon and none of the creatures I have killed here have dropped a normal weapon. There is that dead guy but all his stuff is broken and it appears that it will not work.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
need a tiny bit of help (small spoiler)
If you have repaired the ship and cleared the icepalace, just before you leave the chapter make sure to go back to where oswalds ship was, he left you one of the best Items in the game
If you have repaired the ship and cleared the icepalace, just before you leave the chapter make sure to go back to where oswalds ship was, he left you one of the best Items in the game
With each kill, I grow wiser, and with added wisdom, I grow stronger.