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types of armor and so forth

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damien the 3rd
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types of armor and so forth

Post by damien the 3rd »

quite simple really, what types of armor can you get. same as 3e i suppose but imm just checking. by the way do drow and other subraces look different than standard race on the main screen. half-orcs looked just like humans in bg2 :o
i looked down the mine shaft to see if the cart was coming

it was-epitaph on nashkel gravestone
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Prisoner: just a clean death, so could you test the axe on my bonds
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Post by 1-800-DOCTORB »

Sadly there are no new character graphics since BG2. A drow looks just like a normal elf accept there is only a limited amount of skin tones you can choose. As far as I can tell, there is only a limited selection of sprite graphics.
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damien the 3rd
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Post by damien the 3rd »

so when choosing graphics, a drow or duergar comes out as a normal member of that race till you change his or her skin
i looked down the mine shaft to see if the cart was coming

it was-epitaph on nashkel gravestone
Executioner: so what is your last request?
Prisoner: just a clean death, so could you test the axe on my bonds
Executioner: Hmmm, all right.
Prisoner :( running away) thanks
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Post by 1-800-DOCTORB »

Well you get to choose the skin colour before you get into the game. If you picked a Drow in the character creation screen, futher along in character creation you are promted to choose the skin color, but because its a Drow, you only get a few dark skin color choices.
The "B" is for bargain
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