Sex: Male
Age: Magically, now 15!
Height: about 5'7'' I think...I dunno, not very tall..
Hair: Brown
Foot Size: 8
Origin: Ireland I guess...
Interests: Appalingly bad gangsta rap (
Dislikes : That massive waste of time called 'school', which has had me under its control for about five years without teaching me anything other than trigonometry...
Alignment: Lawful Good
Current Crisis: Must get about 10 As in GCSE in order to go to a decent school for A levels...
Deep Thoughts: Why do people still have the compulsion to kill each other?
*Optional* but interesting nonetheless
Religion: None
Profession: Schoolboy
Politik: Ummm....Liberal
Favorite Movie: Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla
Favorite Team:
Favorite Color: Brown
Favorite Book: Ummm...maybe The Picture of Dorian Grey at the moment...
Dream Date: 24 September 2002