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Duergar are very underpowered

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Duergar are very underpowered

Post by BlackJesus666 »

Anybody ever played a Gray Dwarf ??

I think they just suck.

I don´t bother about that -4 Chr, but they don´t got any stat-boost over the other dwarven races, just +2 to Con.

They got a silly +4 on hide checks, Invisibility once per day and are immune to paralysis (not to stun-effects!). That´s all they got over other dwarfs.

But they lose a racial attack bonus, which other dwarfs got. They are day-blind for -2 on saves, checks and throws. Real bad.

I just can´t follow, that they´re considered 2 Levels higher ?!?
One Level, okay, but I´d preferred some further stat-adjustment. Something like a +2 on Str or Wis...

A +4 on Con would have made them really interesting and fair calculated for an ECL of two Levels.

Implemented as they are, Duergar are just a waste...
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Post by Pebz »

Actully they only have -2 charisma..



+2 to Constitution
+2 to Search
+2 to Fortitude saves against poison
+2 to saves against spells
+4 to Move Silently
+1 to Hit Drow, Mind Flayers, and Driders
+4 to AC vs. giants
Invisibility 1/day
Immunity to Paralysis


-2 to Charisma
-1 to hit, damage, and saving throws when outside during the day
Vulnerable to being blinded by a number of fire-based spells
Character level is considered 2 levels higher when the experience for advancing levels is determined"

They got some nice bonuses... but stil doesnt make up for the ECL (compared to "normal" dwarfs anyway).
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Post by fable »

Looks like a fine thief/fighter, to me.
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Post by 1-800-DOCTORB »

Umm...Grey Dwarves have -4 charisma, not -2, check the manual and the game.
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Post by Pebz »

They do? someone should point this out to BuckSatan then.
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