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weapon finesse??

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Troll Slayer
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weapon finesse??

Post by Troll Slayer »

I cant seem to be able to make a bard that can use this feat at creation. The prereq says +1 BAB, and can use small blades. A Bard can use small blades, and I bumped his strength to 12 to get a +1 shouldnt that work? I also tried putting an extra feat into small blades to get a +1, but alas, that still wouldnt allow me to pick this feat. I created a fighter and ranger and they both can use it. What am I failing to see? I want a rouge or a bard that uses this feat from the beginning of the game.

Thanks in advance
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Post by BlackJesus666 »

BAB means base attack bonus. Nothing to do with abilty modifier or proficiency.

You´ll be able to take this feat at Level 2 for your bard, if I´m correct.
Only fighter-types get a BAB+1 at first Level.

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