Oblivion - IWD2 was tons o' fun and extremely challenging but, like IWD, a strictly linear hack-n-slash. Good, solid story, tho - think NWN as a 6 member party IE game. Nicely redesigned UI.
I, personally, thought the difficulty was a tad unbalanced. While the whole game is challenging, there are long stretches where you sort of roll over everything, followed by some absolutely, insanely difficult battles which take umpteen reloads to figure out the correct tactics for success. Throw in some intricate puzzles and you've got a lot of variety to enjoy.
On my home PC, I ran thru BG2 (with my imported ToB chars, so it went pretty fast) while waiting for IWD2 - you'll definitely miss the intraparty interaction of the BG titles in IWD2, if you're looking for that sort of thing. A bit of relief, to my mind - no Aerie with her incessant whining about her lost wings
cj - I just read a review of DD at AVault - it sounds pretty interesting. But "100s of hours" !!? Hopefully Tribunal won't take that long to hit the shelves! I'll add to my list, tho. Thanks for the recommendation. BTW, is the voice-acting as bad as the review indicated?