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Post by Barney »

Hi, i'm playing the game through for the second time and i wanted to get Keldorn in my party early on but i don't want to do the unseeing eye quest right now. Does Keldorn leave the party if you don't do that quest within a certain time period.
I'm also thinking of swapping Jaheira for Cernd as i've never had him in my party before, is this a good idea?
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Post by Sojourner »

You can put off the Unseeing Eye quest as long as you like - Keldorn won't mind.
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Post by fable »

As for Jaheira vs Cernd: most people prefer Jaheira, largely because Harpers can raise dead, which simple druids cannot. But ultimately, the choice is up to you. I personally think Cernd is more problematic to play than Jaheira, and more of a challenge, so after my third run-through I put him in. :D
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Post by Koveras »

@fable, I don't know why people say that Jaheira is better because of Harper's Call(I'm not saying who's better). I never use any form of raise dead except from rod of resurrection. There's 2 rechargeable rods(one is free). I've played with both druids before, and I don't think one is better than the other, imho.
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Post by thaGforce »

They are both good NPC's, but Viconia wipes the floor with them. :)

I love those high level cleric spells, druidic elemental spells, while cool, just aren't raining titan of death enough for me. :)
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Post by Koveras »

Originally posted by thaGforce
They are both good NPC's, but Viconia wipes the floor with them. :)

I love those high level cleric spells, druidic elemental spells, while cool, just aren't raining titan of death enough for me. :)
That's why I like ranger cleric so much. You get both, and have a nice tank.
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But it's a mistake, and I hate using bugs or glitches in games to my advantage. Or at least using them and telling I use them. :)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

well, once you install the ease of use mod, with the rebalancing shapeshifters mod, cernd becomes highly, highly usefull, especially with the greater werewolf form, regen like crazy, makes your druid almost unkillable, and yes, you can equipp the paws off hand, and put in the main hand the waters talon from item upgrade, or even the upgraded spectral brand, use righteous magic and cast impr haste, you can make cerned a unkillable, nearly impossible to hurt tank....

but you still cant give him a personality...


jahiera is a shrew, but much easier to deal with than cernd....

thaGforce, the shapeshifter rebalance makes the druid, and especially the shapeshifters much much better than the cleric kit....

so naturally i made jahiera into a kensai shapeshifter,.....

hahhahah....i loathe cerned... ;) :p
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Post by Koveras »

@User, does that mean Totemic druid is not as good anymore? Because before, I believe the totemic druid was the best kit.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

kov, the totemic druid was good, but now with wes smarter mages, more evil vampires, and smarmy beholders, totemic druids are sucky in comparison with shapeshifters...

the kit is so good now, it really is annoying,......

makes clerics look sucky in comarison...only mage clerics are as powerful....

the kit gives you mondo magic resistance, as good as purifier, mondo elemental resistance, on top of druid resistance, and regens at 3 hp a second, making you almost unkillable....

and while totemic druids are good in regular installs, as soon as you install sola or the new tactics pack, everybody in amn has a scripted deathspell on them,....bye bye spirit bears....

and the werebears of the new druid spell is seriously impressive, beats skelly warriors by a lot....

much tougher, the regen, and much faster....but vulnerable to charm and chaos, use chaotic commands....

if you like summons, try the druid enhancer by wes,,,

but cernd is still a butthead... :D :rolleyes: :) :p
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Post by Koveras »

What's up with Cernd? :p
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by Koveras
@fable, I don't know why people say that Jaheira is better because of Harper's Call(I'm not saying who's better). I never use any form of raise dead except from rod of resurrection. There's 2 rechargeable rods(one is free). I've played with both druids before, and I don't think one is better than the other, imho.

I've only ever found one rezzing rod. Given that, I could see two points in favor of those who want Jaheira for raising the dead:

1) You can run out of rod charges. Since I don't like to reload much--I tend to stay with the results I've gotten, even if a character or two are dead--it's easy to run out of charges.

2) There may come a time when you really could use both the rod and a good rezzer during a battle. This is especially true, I've found, in ToB, where some of the battles are more intense (non-modified on both SoA and ToB).

Another thing: if you sell the rod to buy it back, fully charged, it costs a fortune. And I won't chesse around, drink a few Master Thievery potions, and steal it back.

So, from that perspective, Jaheria's ability to raise the dead is very useful. This doesn't mean she's better in a party than Cernd, though I've expressed concerns before, here, about the amount of time it takes Cernd to change forms and effectively switch combat modes. That's why I consider him a challenge, rather than Jaheira, who's strengths and drawbacks are fairly straightforward. :)
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Post by VonDondu »

Originally posted by fable
I've only ever found one rezzing rod...

There are at least two in the game. You can buy one at the Adventurer's Mart, and the other one is in Mekrath's lair (in a cabinet next to Mekrath).

Not that it really contradicts any of the points you made, mind you. :)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

"This doesn't mean she's better in a party than Cernd, though I've expressed concerns before, here, about the amount of time it takes Cernd to change forms and effectively switch combat modes. That's why I consider him a challenge, rather than Jaheira, who's strengths and drawbacks are fairly straightforward"

the new kit works with a innate ability button for lesser and greater werewolf, and all the button does is create a dagger item, which if you equipp, will shapeshift you can equip, then equip a second weapon, and shapeshift on the fly, as it were, when your druid takes damage....and it no longer disables spell casting, and the druid now gets righteous magic, so they stack, giving you a werewolf with 25 con and str at fairly low levels...

its sick...and yes, use any item exploits are allowed...turn jan into a pure killer, as a g werewolf, with mondo resistances and abilites, and regen....equip in off hand, load up the fulcrum club in main hand, yes the kit allows you to use your fav weapon in main hand....

talk about overpowering....

well. me being me, i made jahiera into a kensai shapeshifter....hehehheh

"What's up with Cernd"

he left his wife to become nature boy, he reminds me of those really annoying radical ecology freaks, the ones who proclaim "i will give up my life for a tree...."

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Post by Koveras »

Yeah, but what about Keldorn? ;)
@fable, so are you saying if you get Jaheira in your party, you no longer need a cleric? Because in my games, I almost always have both priests, then the raise dead isn't much of a deal.
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Post by Barney »

Thanks for your views, i think i will stick with jaheira for now as i'm opening a fresh can of whoopass on everything with my current party.
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Post by Coot »

Jaheira's one of my favorite npc's, roleplaying-wise.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

with ease of use, your druid gets righteous magic....
turns any cleric fighter into superstrong, kai enabled monster...

with regen spell and impr haste and good weapons, jahiera is now best tank in game....
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Post by Koveras »

Originally posted by UserUnfriendly
with ease of use, your druid gets righteous magic....
turns any cleric fighter into superstrong, kai enabled monster...

with regen spell and impr haste and good weapons, jahiera is now best tank in game....
But I still like my Ranger cleric better. :D :p
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