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Advice/comments for new party

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Advice/comments for new party

Post by lompo »

I'm starting my first game and I have in mind this party:

1)Aesamir Sorcerer - diplomat and bombardier (Human better?)
2)Human barbarian - Tank (would a halforc better?)
3)Aesamir Pal3/fighterxx - Tank (would be better fighter4/Pal.xx?)
4)Thiefling rogue3-5/Wiz.specialistxx - 2nd mage and a lot of skills
5)Dwarf Cleric of Tempus - healer-tank (4 fighter lvls advisable?)
6)W.Elf fighter/rogue/ranger - scout/sniper and backup fighter

What do you think of the party and do you have any advice?
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Post by aberrant80 »

1. Aasimars are good, but if this is also ur loremaster, mebe human would be better for the extra skills points and no lvl penalty.

2. yep, a tank barb should be half-orc or dwarf. and take ftr4 for the weapon spec if u like.

3. both are equally possible. if u want a better tank, go 4 pal3/ftrX. if u want spell support then ftr4/palX.

4. forget the rogue lvls. no point. between ur wizard spells and no. 6, i think u can handle any lock, traps, search, and sneak.

5. if u like, but not really necessary. might as well get the higher cleric spells.

6. how do plan on distributing the levels? if u took ranger just to get the dual-wield, the i think u should drop the fighter levels and just stick to a dual-wielding, weapon finesse rgr1/rogX.
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Post by lompo »

N°1 will not be the loremaster (n°4 instead for the high int.), his stats are 8/12/16/14/10/20, so the trade off are more skill points (including bonus spells for higher char.) and elem. resist. against 1 lvl penalty an a feat less;
N°2 (18/16/18/6/12/6 not liking mini-maxing for roleplaying) the extra strenght of the 1/2orc (1-2 extra damage) is at the cost of 1 feat plus 4 skill points less between dex and maybe wis; maybe a dwarf is a better alternative, although from a roleplaying point of view is not likely a dwarf with great sword;
N°4 see other thread regarding the specialist class;
N°6 (12/20/14/14/10/6) the lvl will be even for the exp penalty; I chose this mix-in because ranger1/roguexx with elf is not possible (I wanted a elf in the group, maybe I should switch n°4 with n°6 but I would miss the 20 int for the mage); the alternatives are ranger/rogue even ore fighter/rogue even, but the three class mix-in is the one that gives you the higher n° of feat, plus I have a char. with a lot of fighter type lvl (good for BAB and hp) and sufficient skill points for hide, move s., search and disable device.
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