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Help - screwed up multiclass

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Help - screwed up multiclass

Post by pi-o-paa »

I created a Paladin with the intention of multi-classing him to Cleric of the correct order so that he could still progress in both classes. However, I screwed up and picked the wrong one. That was a long time ago and I am now ready to start progressing in Paladin again but it won't let me. Is there a way to corrrect this with Dalekeeper? I was able to change the kit so the corect order displayed properly but it still won't let me level up in Paladiin, so there must be more I have to change. Probably in the Affects or Global Variables tabs. Any ideas?

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Post by fable »

What do you mean, "it won't let you"? IWD2 lets you freely switch among leveling classes, provided you meet the basic stat requirements. If your character had paladin levels before, it stands to reason they should be able to, again.
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Post by pi-o-paa »

It states in the rules that if a Paladin changes classes to a class other than his preferred order that he will no longer be able to progress in Paladin levels.

I am trying to level up now, but it won't let me click on Paladin.
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Post by fable »

Eh? I don't have my IWD2 manual handy right now, but I don't recall it. Is that actually in the manual, or just an AD&D rulebook?
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Post by Skooter327 »

A quick skim of the manual yeilded no results, but I seem to remeber reading "that if a Paladin changes classes to a class other than his preferred order that he will no longer be able to progress in Paladin levels" somewhere as well. I think it may have said this on the character creation screens when choosing paladin as a class (or order). Maybe it says something about it in the in-game information screen.

@ pi-o-paa, you might consider just continuing with your character as he is, despite the fact that you "screwed up" his classes. It could make the game more interesting and challenging this way. I had a similar goof when multi-classing a low-Cha, high-Int. fighter into a sorcerer instead of the mage I had planned on (oops). I just kept playing and while she wasn't the most effective sorcerer, it didn't really make that much difference. Continuing as-is is perhaps better from a role-plaing perspective.

I have not used Dalekeeper very much, but I suspect it would be easiest to make a new character identical to the one you had when you added the "wrong" level, and then adding EXP and leveling him up from there as you had intended initially. I think that approach might be easier than trying to modify the character you have now, should you decide to change her.
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Post by aberrant80 »

Originally posted by fable
What do you mean, "it won't let you"? IWD2 lets you freely switch among leveling classes, provided you meet the basic stat requirements. If your character had paladin levels before, it stands to reason they should be able to, again.

wow, u gotta get ur facts straight. IWD2 doesn't let u switch freely for monks and paladins. i believe that's 3ed rules too. paladins can only dual freely to wiz (sorc?), cleric of helm or fighter depending on order. monks can only dual to sorc, rogue, or fighter(?) depending on order. and i don't believe there's any 'stat req'. that's the dual class system on 2ed.

it's all in the in-game description AND manual.

for pi-o-paa, u might want to the check the 'global variables' tab of DK2. there might be some variable there that's preventing u.
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