I'd like to echo Scayde's sentiments. Well said. *hug*
Who doesn't feel the magic that breathes life into the story of the Dark Flames? It was this magic I sensed when originally presented with the idea of becoming a part of the DF...and this same magic that gave me reason to pause when I considered joining. Why? Certainly, this is much more than a venue to showcase the writing talents of a group of gifted authors with a penchant for fantasy...or sheep, as it were.
I sensed, very strongly (and as DW noted in her first post in this thread), the
organic connection between the various characters in the DF tapestry. The magic itself is a living, breathing thing, and to be invited to join the DF means that one is to be grafted to the organism. From the outset I took this to heart, and saw very clearly the implications of becoming a part...
Such an invitation is an honor, one that I did not take very lightly. DW, it is not surprising to me that you feel a measure of protectiveness...you should, for you are part of an organism that has taken the path that all successful organisms take - that of evolution, and growth. A number of DF authors were there during the DF's genesis...the primordial hot tub was stirred, so to speak, and out came proto-Gwally, LOL!
Truthfully, those who were closest to the tapestry's inception are those which are naturally the most connected, for it was by your investment of energy whereby the DF was able to take flight in the first place. You have forever left your mark upon the story...and you now find yourselves standing at the very heart of the magic. Gwally, DW, Yshania, Than, T'lainya...I know many have come and gone, and some of that number included those who were there from the beginning...I feel very honored.
The DF is indeed a family, for real bonds exist between those members who willingly become grafted to the heart. Despite the sweeping vistas of imagination depicted on the DF tapestry, which can indeed carry away even the most casual of observers, it takes energy on the part of the one to be grafted to truly be a part. For me, it is a desire to be a part of something
greater than my own ideas, and character. I want this for everyone that posts on the story thread...