This may seem like a stupid question, but how do you get to
Dragons Eye. I have its location on my world map, but i can't find
exit out of Kuldahar. The only place where my cursor becomes wheel shaped leads back to location with watchtower and Oswalds ship.
The exit to dragon's eye is on the far east side of the map, the same place that took you out of Kuldahar in the first game. The exit won't become available until you've killed all of the monsters attacking Kuldahar after you return from the jungle and defeat the guardian. Try talking to Iselore again; if he won't talk to you then you have more monsters to kill. If he does talk to you, he will mark Dragon's Eye on your map and the exit in the SE corner will become open. Hope that helps.
Good things come to those that wait--but only what's left over from those that hustle.