I'm in Saradush right now, and solving Mateo's case. I'm now in Kiser's basement, and I found out a thing I've never noticed before. There's little odd traps around the basement. I've found three of these now, and when I disarmed the two first ones there came a text that described a sound of an engine muffling, or something. And then when I disarmed the third one the text said something about a door opening.. I think.
I searched the whole house but I found nothing. Does anybody know the answer for this straaange mystery?
Kiser's basement: little weird traps? (possible spoilers)
Basically, if you talked to Kaiser, he tells you to kill a mage(I forget his name). You don't have to talk to the mage if you go to his basement, disarm the "traps" and a door will open and Kaiser would come as if you talked to the mage and agreed not to kill him.
Basically, if you talked to Kaiser, he tells you to kill a mage(I forget his name). You don't have to talk to the mage if you go to his basement, disarm the "traps" and a door will open and Kaiser would come as if you talked to the mage and agreed not to kill him.
"So I kicked 'im in the head 'til he was dead, nyahahahaha." -Bandits