@ VonDondu --
By the game's inner logic, if Dak'kon dies in your service, he is released from your service, even if you resurrect him. So letting him fight shadows and then resurrecting him is the best thing you could do for him.
I remember Dak'kon saying that he would be freed from my service as long as I die -- become a mortal again, that is. But you might be correct.
Nordom is not a robot; he's a construct. His body is made out of "gear spirits", which are alive in their own way.
In my opinion, the Nameless One's Mortality does not "kill without hesitation"; he gives everyone a chance to stop threatening his existence and kills them only as a last resort. Since the Nameless One's current party was so persistent, he decided to kill them permanently to serve as a warning to others who might threaten him. He takes no pleasure in causing death. He wants to avoid the need to kill anyone else. Even when he sends shadows to kill the Nameless One, the purpose is not to harm him, but to make him to forget where to find his Mortality. That doesn't strike me as evil. The only outright murders that the Nameless One's mortality has committed are Pharod and Ravel, both of whom deserved death for their terrible crimes and the continuing threat they posed to everyone around them.
TTO may give a chance to NO's party to get out of there, but the rest of his actions don't seem so innocent to me. The fact that he (it) wants to keep his freedom, though he (it) was never meant to be free and separated from NO, doesn't look as an act of self-defense to me. He admits that will deal with both Trias and Deionarra's spirit so as no one be able of helping NO next time. Is this an act of self-defense. Possibly, but not to my eyes. TTO's plan and hope that NO would kill Trias states his (its) evil. He (it) might be a Neutral Evil, but evil remains there.
As for Ravel's and Pharod's deaths, do you think that because they had commited terrible crimes TTO's act of murdering them is justifiable? I don't.
Finally, I feel I should say that my characterization of one being good or evil is not based on game's logic, but on my impressions while playing the game. I understand that there might be many things I haven't understood, and maybe I need a second time through the game (not right now, at any rate) so as to have the chance to find some missing "links", i.e., about the game's ending and the Blood War.
Whatever the "truth" might be, I feel there are a lot of intepretations one can give to issues involved in the game. As I have also the feeling that there are a lot of unanswerable issues, such as why Fhjull was NO's enemy? Unless I've missed something, there hadn't been a clear statement of Fhjull hating NO or why was that.
• "You cannot pass."..."I am a servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of the Flame of Anor, You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go Back to the Shadow! You cannot pass."
Gandalf the Grey