someonewhocares over at posted up the critical files to get the extra shopkeepers Joluv and Diedre, if you were unfortunate enough to not get the collectors box and/or the bonus CD. Daihira was a spelling mistake for the zipfile, I wonder who he was thinking of
Anyhoo, I mirrored it on my own OC3 webspace so the download should be fast.
[url=""][/url] [url=""][/url]
Standard disclaimer, I am not responsible for these files, no warranty, blah, blah...
Joluv only comes with the Bonus CD, the collectors CD is different, and comes with Deidre. ( I hate Bioware for having three different versions BTW ) I was unfortunate enough to buy the version without any bonus or collectors CD, so I was a little peeved until now...
The most important thing he sells IMO is the sling of Everard +5, that infamous one that does not require bullet ammunition. It makes taking out the Adamitite<sp? golem possible. Damn that Golem makes Iron and clay golems look like wimps
I was wondering if there wasn't such a download, but now there is, how nice. I was kinda freakin' out. I think that they could have made those extras as bonus dl's on their website instead of putting it into a collector's edition. I for one couldn't get my hands on the collector's edition... Unless I wanted to pay 200! bucks for it, and who wants that, for 2 shopkeepers???
Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel
Greetings from the humble adventurer Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel
D@mn UBB codes!
I agree it is very frustrating they didn't make these more available. I thought I was getting the extra vendors when I bought mine but it turned out I only got one of the 2. I wrote them and even offered to pay for the other disk...but they said I would have to buy the entire game again! Some of equipment these vendors sell is among the best in the game:
Dakkon's Zerth Blade: Great Bard or Multi-Mage weapon: +1 1st,2nd,3rd, and 4th level spells.
Robe of Vecna: 10% magic resist and super fast spell casting (-4 speed factor), AC5
Sword of Balduran: 10% magic resist, 10% lore bonus
Shield of Balduran: Limited application, but reflecting beholder rays can be very useful.
Sling of Everard: (see above)
Defender of Easthaven: Great off-hand or barbarian weapon with -1 AC and +20% slashing/piercing/crushing resist.
Scarlett Ninja-to +3: Great monk only weapon. +1 attack, 12 poison damage over 2 rounds -- which generally prevents spell casting due to damage disruption
Several other weapons that are good for one specific class.
I had a bit of a problem there, too. In the Adventurer's Mart, I only found Deirdre. At first I tried uninstalling that one, and only installing the Julov file, but to no avail. Eventually I thought that you could only install one of them, and that somehow the Deirdre (which I installed first) was now nestled within the game, unable to be uninstalled - preventing me from installing Julov.
When all the above finally didn't make sense, I came to the conclusion he had to be standing elsewhere in the game. So I went looking around the town, starting with the most probable location first: the Copper Coronet in the Slums. That's where I found him. He's appearing like a nobleman, with the name Julov. You can find him in the central, partially enclosed area of the tavern.
(Oh, I almost forgot to add: you can have both of them installed at the same time. Besides that, these items have all been added to the gamecode of the original game. You only need to install those two merchants in order to obtain those items - if you uninstall them after buying, you'll keep the items).
[This message has been edited by Maurice (edited 10-23-2000).]
Mmm. You know, coming to think of it, I wonder what happens if you uninstall them after buying, and then re-install them ... would you be able to regain their full inventory?? When that's the case, you can easily - provided you have the money - obtain lots of those items ...
One note: merchants remain active in the general area, even after uninstalling. You really need to leave the area (say Waukeen Promenade -> Temple District or so) to really remove them from the game.
On a similar note i already had the dragonslayer in my possession after an import of my player at the end of the game - including blackrazor - in the windspear hills the part where you go and collect the Dragonlayer for the woman who 'commissions' you to go and get the sword for her attacked me.
I also could not get through the room with the fire elemental in it because the door would not open even though i had the mask in my possession.
Any help on this would be fantastic it would make fighting fikraag signifigantly easier.
I'd have to get drunk every night and talk about virility...And those Pink elephants I'd see.
The Bonus CD..with Joluv is only available if you pre-ordered BG2, so if you don't already have it, you pretty much either need to resort to eBay, or grayer methods.
Joluv has a few nice items, the best is the sling +5, but also nice is Joril's Dagger which has a 25% chance of confusing an opponent, and the spear whose name I do not recall which is a nice +3 for Jaheira.
NOTE: Joril's Dagger is the dagger of a giant, so to us humies, it's a two-hand sword.
"Gentlemen! You can't fight in here! This is the war room!" -Dr. StrangeLove
"Never in my life could I have afforded to be raised!" -Fezhak
"I don't want to meet someone who shares my interests. I hate my interests." - Steve Buscemi Ghost World
I really wanted this stuff, but are you sure there is only the 2 keepers, no extra quests??? seems a bit f*cked up only having a 2mb file on 1 cd
well, i screwed up, missed a head off the flail of ages, missed some other items, and started again. WAAAAAAAAAAAAHWAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!