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What kind of weapon to enchant ?

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What kind of weapon to enchant ?

Post by De_Priester »

What is the best weapon to enchant for my mage ?

Well if you can call him that he is more like a fighter mage.
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Post by cjdevito »

From an enchantment perspective, the best is the ebony scimitar from Tribunal (135 enchant points). The second best is the ebony staff (90 enchant points).
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Post by cjdevito »

Of course, since the ebony staff has -9- times as much enchantment potential as the wakazashi and the ebony scimitar has -13- times as much, the simple fact is that you can load them to do over 600 points of damage in a single strike.... pretty much always insuring one-hit kills.

Or paralyze for five seconds.... in 20 feet diameter area effect.

Or calm humanoid/creature 50 pts for five seconds.... in 20 feet diameter area effect.

There's a hell of a lot more you can do when you have 135 enchant points to work with then when you have 10 :)
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Post by cjdevito »

But I might give an ebony staff a chance, perhaps with a drain health on strike spell coupled with a paralyze spell if it will hold all that.

Pretty much :) The big-enchant point weapons are obscene in what they can hold.

Does anyone know how to get someone to punch with the left hand?

I don't think there's a consistent way to 'force' it.

My character does it every so often but not on a regular or predictable basis. It would be nice if I could load him up with a pair of enchanted draedric gauntlets or exquisite gloves that did some extra bit of hurtin'.

Unfortunately, putting 'cast on strike' on guantlets/gloves does nothing. It's been tried. I -think- it'd be possible to create a new item in the construction set and set it's weapon class to hand-to-hand, in which case you might be able to create a weapon like 'weighted gloves' or something. Dunno how that would work in terms of display, though, and they certainly wouldn't provide any armor protection if they do damage instead.
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Post by cjdevito »

No offense, but I tried enchanting an ebony staff and the results were underwhelming at best.

To you, apparently -- but I note the approach you took was very much in line with the type of enchantments you'd put on a weapon you'd expect to have to whack someone with multiple times (drain health and pararlyze on target, over time) then the one-hit kills I was talking about.

Try it again with 50-100 points of fire, 50-100 points of lightning, 50-100 points of shock damage on it. That shouldn't use up nearly as many charges per swing, firstly, and should allow you to kill anything but a dagoth in a single swing (with a few times when you get unlucky damage rolls, or face something with multiple resistances) being exceptions. 40 or 50 swings is plenty in almost any area I can think of, when 1 swing = dead monster.

If I were going to make an ebony staff weapon that used 40 charges per swing like yours (which I wouldn't, but for sake of argument), it would do 300-300 damage (fire, lightning, cold) within 10 feet, and probably lower resistance to fire,lightning, cold in the same range. An entirely different approach then paralyze and whack repeatedly.

Edit to add: Forget diseases alits. When I'm talking one-hit-kills, I mean on Dremora lords, ascended sleepers and golden saints. Just make sure your own resistances are good if you whack something that casts reflect on itself.
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Post by Loredweller »

It's up to you, of course, but the Absorb Health rules. First, if reflected it still returns your health to you, you lose nothing. The second, it seems there is no resistance to it, it counts neither magick nor elemental, it's a thing itself. And you get your health up almost every time you hit. More, it works (with rare random exceptions) even if you have the full health. My nightblade, BTW, has some ranged modifications of the spell as the main tool to deal with enemy, i guess approx. 50% of them have been fallen with it, sometimes supported by Paralize (If only destroyed by spell without weapon were to count, the percentage should be about 90%).
There's a moment, though. Your skill goes up as often as often you get the mark, so it is more expedient keep your "superweapon" for really serious opponents and use on, say, clif racers and rats some lighter stick hitting how fast and often possible. Of course, if your Blunt skill is 100 ... :cool: ( however i guess you still have the way to go ;) )

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Post by cjdevito »

It's up to you, of course, but the Absorb Health rules.

Sometimes :)
But if health isn't a worry -- say you're already wearing an item with constant effect restore health 4 on it -- then all the absorb health enchantment is, is another way to cause damage to an opponent albeit at a particularly poor damage-to-enchantment-point/charges ratio.

First, if reflected it still returns your health to you, you lose nothing

I'm not positive, but I -think- this was changed in tribunal.

I still think that massive damage via the elements in a super-point weapon is the easiest way to get quick kills (both Trueflame and Hopesfire work on this principle, too), but if someone thinks the ebony staff is too weak as a weapon, there's always the ebony scimitar. It has even more enchant points then the staff and if memory serves it has a higher average damage then a daedric katana.
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Post by De_Priester »

I have been looking trough all the various options for items you have and potions you can create, all I know is you can make such uber items that you kill everything with one blow but what fun would that leave ? I am thinking more about items that provide more defense and more roleplaying features such as stealth or hoptoading :P not just brute power. He who can dodge the heaviest blow while dealing out 10 blows himself will become victor in time it just takes some effort and that's what makes it fun right ?
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Post by rnrules »

I agree with you, but I would rather morrowind be to hard, and have a difficulty setting going to the impossible, that way you could always have a goal in mind.
Like the neon soccer ball?
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Post by De_Priester »

True but for me the goal atm is just figuring out the game and having fun not being so powerfull that I am able to beat the game at top setting :P
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Post by Loredweller »

I do not have Tribunal, but in single Morrowind Absorb Health is just irresistable (although reflectable - you can see it by spell effect animation). And what do you think about Daedric Dai-katana with x-80 Absorb Health on it? Or a bit less absorbing together with Soultrap for 3 secs? It might kill Dremora on a hit, and Golden Saints on occassion are so busy dispelling themselves that have no time to hit back. It's so overpowering that i just do not use Daedric weapons for my 23rd level nightblade just now (having a great heap of them already besides the plenty of Glass and Ebony, Dwarven i just sell ASAP) because i still wish to develop his Long Blade skill, so i stick to steel with similar enchantments.

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Post by cjdevito »

And what do you think about Daedric Dai-katana with x-80 Absorb Health on it? Or a bit less absorbing together with Soultrap for 3 secs?

It'll work just fine, believe me -- I'm not claiming it won't. I was just responding to the subject of this thread (BEST weapon to enchant, followed by BEST type of enchantment). Not trying to say there aren't dozens of very good, workable enchantments for weapons, though.

If I built a weapon with soultrap on it, though, I'd make it a point to keep the number of charges it uses per hit relatively low, and I'd carry around azura's star. That way I'd recharge the item after every kill, and not worry about it running out of power.
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Post by rnrules »

I always use vivec's soul for my main weapon, it has the most power :p
Like the neon soccer ball?
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Post by Loredweller »

Originally posted by cjdevito
[B If I built a weapon with soultrap on it, though, I'd make it a point to keep the number of charges it uses per hit relatively low, and I'd carry around azura's star. That way I'd recharge the item after every kill, and not worry about it running out of power. [/b]

Well, since i'm still developing my Enchant ability and always care about having a good store with filled Petty and Common gems, i do not see the real problem here - keep recharging and mastering the Enchant skill :) I do have the Azura Star, however i still haven't had an occasion i'd really need it in the current game. Since i've gone visiting the smuggler caves relatively late (have had no RP motivation before) i still have a fairly store of Grand Gems (12 or about so - even if i have found a use for about 20 or more already and have wasted on lesser beings about 5-6).

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