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Demogorgon??? (spoiler)

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Demogorgon??? (spoiler)

Post by Eusabian »

I accidantly stumbled into the secret passage to a whole new section of the first level of the Underdark that i dont remember at all from my first game. killed some beholders, killed the fish prince, and got his blood, (which by the way i have no idea what to do with), then the statue of demogorgaon says that i need to sacrefice something to reliase his children and get the reward. so what do i need to sacrefice and where? Is this a side quest or what? and what is up with the drow guarding the exit, can i get past em if i'm desguised as a drow?

so, to repeat myself...

1. What and where do i need to sacrefice to Demogorgon?

2. What do i have to do with the fish princes blood?

3. Can I finish this whole section after the dragon has turned me into a drow? and will the exit guardians talk to me if i am disguised?

4. Was I supposed to be sent to this section by someone for a specific purpose, or was i supposed to stumble on it like i did?

Again, thanks for all your help, i have only played this amazing game once before and that was a year ago so I have forgotten much.
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Giant space ham
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Post by Giant space ham »

spoiler -

1- from what I recall any summoned creature will do just put it on the alter
2- you'll find out in the drow city - keep hold of it for now
3- yes the section of the level (i think) is based on a quest given to u when u r a drow
4-become a drow and go into the city and see
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Screaming Johny
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Post by Screaming Johny »

Just a quick warning. When you do the sacrifice, be prepared for a fight. But the statue is correct in a way. The lead baddie (I won't spoil too much) does have a very good & important item. The only problem is getting it from him, i.e. you have to kill him.
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Post by fable »

You don't have to make a sacrifice, and you don't need what you'll receive if you live after doing so. It's simply part of a nifty artifact.

This is a tough fight for SoA. I find it grates against my roleplaying spirit, since the only way I've been able to win the thing is by preparing with foreknowledge. Just a fair warning. If you want details, ask.

As regards the areas themselves: there are three, and all of them have a bearing upon quests received in the drow city. Thing is, you only need to succeed at one of the three, though you'll get some rewards internally at each area for going through.
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Post by Eusabian »

Well, silly me. I had forgotten that all those mission will be assigned in the drow city so i did them all beforehand.

as far as the sacrefice goes, are you saying that i can just summon my own creature, kill it and put it on the altar? how can that be since i cant pick up the bodies of dead creatures? will a waywerns head work?

Oh, and where exactly is the damned altar? is it in the same room as the statue, cus i cant seem to locate it?

Thanks for all your help guys.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Eusabian
as far as the sacrefice goes, are you saying that i can just summon my own creature, kill it and put it on the altar? how can that be since i cant pick up the bodies of dead creatures? will a waywerns head work?

You just have whatever you want to sacrifice stand right in front of the gruesome statue. Don't worry, the statue will take care of everything else. ;)
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Post by Phantom Lord »

I think the spider figurine (Kittix) will do too, if you don't have a summon spell ready. Just mark the summoned animal and send it near the altar and for what happens. If you're brave, you can of course stand in front of altar and watch the process ... just be prepared for a reload in case you do.
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