This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Neverwinter Nights, its Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark expansion packs, and any user-created or premium modules.
Hey guys, I was just wondering how powerful wizards are in NWN. I haven't bought it yet, but plan to.
I was mainly wondering because in BG1, wizards are not exactly "powerful." I was wondering if the NWN wizzys level up faster, memorize more spells, or whatever.
Sorry if I sound a little clueless.
Why do we park in driveways and drive in parkways?
Only in America do banks chain pens to the desk, yet leave the vault doors opem.
Only in America do we order a supersized french fry, a supersized burger, yet a DIET coke.
Over the long run, Sorcerors are more powerful than wizards and eventually can wreak some serious *hit.
With the "martial weapons" feat, a strength belt and enhanced dexterity, they can even become decent melee fighters; however, I would recommend keeping your distance with a good bow, piercing arrows and high dexterity, while using area spells to wipe out groups of critters. Arnold Schwartzenegger they ain't.
Be SURE to get Boots of Speed ASAP (they speed up casting time and keep you out of trouble).
I used Daelan and summoned critters as my tanks and a pixie to deal with traps and locks. I tried getting the skills for traps and locks but it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r to build them up to a usable level. Pixies, btw, are remarkably durable because they're so hard to hit but try to keep them out of the way in tough fights.
i used the monk as my tank. forgot his name. hes one crazy sob. matched my evil/psychotic character my wizard never needed to use weapons Oo. i alwayed used staves for the feats or other bonuses they gave. pixies are really fun. specially when u posses them
I was just asking because I'm used to games like Nox and others, where wizards are supremely powerful.
Also in BG1, it took a while to level up wizards, and when you did, there wasn't too much of a reward, i.e. when you gain a level, sometimes you get a spell from the next level.
I hope it's easier in NWN (I haven't gotten it yet, but very soon I will)
Why do we park in driveways and drive in parkways?
Only in America do banks chain pens to the desk, yet leave the vault doors opem.
Only in America do we order a supersized french fry, a supersized burger, yet a DIET coke.
DCI is set in the modern Forgotten Realms timeline, so that would be NWN.
Originally posted by Taco Magus ah they are funny. but they are Kayless's. im sure he'll like to know what you think
Thanks for setting the record straight and not stealing my thunder.
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Originally posted by MrSpiffo How do you become an "exalted member"?
Just rack up 50 posts and bingo, you're exalted.
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Originally posted by Kayless Just rack up 50 posts and bingo, you're exalted.
This is quite easy if you ever visit SYM....
As for wizards, I don't really know yet. I just started one and I'm pittyfully weak at the moment. My tank is killing everything and I'm almost always just leaching all the xp. I hope that I will eventually get some real power........ Besides I'm only level 4 as yet
"Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past" And I rule the PRESENT!!
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'
Whatever game you play, the thing with wizards is that you need to get past the first 6 or 7 levels before they get powerfull. Fighters are good from the start, but wizards kick their ass at higher levels. At least IMHO...
Broken promises
"They made us many promises,
more than I can remember.
But they kept but one -
They promised to take our land...
and they took it"
BTW: it is a pitty there are just 2 categories: members and exalted members. Okay you also have the moderators, but they have nothing to do with the number of posts.
At my own site I have like 5 categories, may be also an idea for GB???
Broken promises
"They made us many promises,
more than I can remember.
But they kept but one -
They promised to take our land...
and they took it"
Originally posted by Rudar Dimble BTW: it is a pitty there are just 2 categories: members and exalted members. Okay you also have the moderators, but they have nothing to do with the number of posts.
At my own site I have like 5 categories, may be also an idea for GB???
Hi Ruud, long time no see, anyway you should post this at SYM instead..... there the big ones might see it and take notice. Inside a thread like this no one will really see it.
"Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past" And I rule the PRESENT!!
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'
You find them in the High Tower in Luskan (I forget what level) and if you somehow miss them, you can buy a pair later on (in Beorunna's Well, I think) for 40K gold . . . expensive but still worth it.
Think I found mine when hitting level 12 in Chapter Two. There's no fixed place for them to appear, there just one of many random items you find in the best treasure chests.