sorc is the best spell caster, you can have a 10th level sorc beat the snot out of a 20th level specialist mage, except possibly wild mage, if they have a lot of nrw memorized.
sure, edwin can have all the spells in world, but to put in bluntly, alson an littz, guys, the key to createing a successful sorc is a piece of paper, with many hours spent weighing the merits of one spell over another. you have to choose, and choose most carefully, the spell table. the sorc can only be really played out by someone who has read xyx spell guide and the manual provided with the game several times and has lurked and read this forum for all topics having to do with spells.
for example, a sorc player will know fireball has a damage cap, while skull traps dont, and make chices carefully. while fireball has a cap, the range is better and less chance of friendly fire. skulls are far less forgiving than fireball for accidentally wasting aparty member. my personal opion is to use sull traps in skull fire spell 90% of time. cast spell immunity necromancy, and cast a spell triggered triple skull on yourself, and you wont see the nasty "spell failed" message when trying to use triggerd skull traps on a distant enemy.
not only is sthe sorc a better spell casting class than a mage, the typical sorc player has a good grounding on spells and effects, at least the common ones, and knows how to strech them out. so is it the chicken or egg? is the sorc a better spell casting class than mage, or are the people who play sorc better with spell casters classes???
YES and YES!

They call me Darth...
Darth Gizka!