Most Over-Rated movie:
Movie that had the worst acting: Godzilla... name one...
Movie that was meant to be funny but was just stupid: Freddy Got Fingered
Movie that was meant to be serious but turned out funny: Reefer Madness
Worst special effects for its time: Attack of the Clones. like all good things, too much can ruin it.
Worst cartoon movie: Bambie versus Godzilla... Too short for true tertibution...
Movie with the worst title: Attack of the Clones
Most boring movie/movie that lasted too long: Pearl Harbour
Movie with the worst plot: The One
Biggest disappointment: Dungeons and Dragons. I wanted to see some sweet sword and sorcery action... Instead I get... this...
Worst movie overall: Fast and the Furious.
Worst Anime: Serial Experiment: LAIN