I could be wrong - but I think you can get a diamond in the ice castle area - you can go back and forth from this area. I found four diamonds in my last party romp through these areas.
Anyway - I started a bard char solo last night - must admit that it is cool to charm your oponents and use them as fodder - much more satisfying than summoning monsters.
Be interesting to see how you handle some of the tougher opponents that are ahead of you....I am reading with interest.
Check out Mirrors Online a premier NWN2 roleplaying persistent world and D20 campaign world publishing project.
Levels 13 - 15 really flew by; there must be a power plateau I've reached or something.
I was a total dunderhead and didn't realist you could move off the map to the ice castle place, where sure enough there are diamonds; meaning that my previous hack was unnecessary. Duh. Anyway.
So I entered the Ice Palace and came across a ReamMyAzz, nicely animated, breathing fire (in an ice palace? whatever). I was like - lookout. But then I cast dominate on it, which it failed with a wimpy +5 will save or something, and boom! Insta-friend. So I quickly ran around, scouting, and then sent my ReamMyAzz into battle for me, with me as backup. These things do HUGE damage. They didn't stand a chance, and when it was hurt real bad I took it out with some arrows-o-doom (arrows of impact, which also make short work of wimpy crystal golems).
So, kill kill kill. Scout, kill, dominate scout, summon shadow summon shadow kill, dominate charm summon shadow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow arrow and YES! Found an everlasting returning arrow. No more carrying around 500+ arrows. Plus finding lots of keen arrows, flaming arrows, sure striking, etc. Good stuff.
Anyhoo. Kill kill kill. It very easy, my dominate does a lot of the hard work, and shadows are NICE summons it turns out. Had a lot of trouble with a passal-o-ice trolls, so I reached into my sack-of-plenty and read some scrolls (using UMD) of fire shield and fireball and etc. Eventually killed them all. Then freed up a gnome guy, and went over and scouted some, and realized this Shuriken demon chick is standing there next to a bunch of baddies in front of the ice palace, and that a big smack down was looming.
So. Wow. Talk about buff. Hope, Mirror Image, Cat's grace, Eagles Splendor, Pr from Evil, Imp. Invis, Mage Armor, Shield, Haste, then from scrolls: ironskin, barkskin. I was a buffed-up fool. Then I got out a scroll of web. Than I ran over and talked with the nasty girl, who gave me some lip. So I had to attack her. I ran away, read the web scroll, turned and as they came on cast confusion, which messed them up bad. Then I ran away more summoned 2 shadows, dominated 2 barbarian warriors and started shooting-em-up. Massacre. Easy. Killed everything until I got to the demon lady, who was now alone. I sikked the dominated fighters against her while I shot her with sure striking arrows. Attack attack. Run, turn attack, summon, attack, attack. She never closed; never cast a spell on me. Just tried to run at me or hit at my summons. A few criticals later she was near dead, then I changed to impact arrows and then she was dead, all without even touching me. Haste is gnary, if ONLY for the movement bonues!
That was way too easy. Level 15. Greater spell focus: enchantment. I fear something is going to do me very wrong, very soon.
I quickly played through part of the first level of the ice palace proper, and oh my gosh. I hit level 16 in a flash, I mean, this is as easy as the game has ever been. I don't get these cleric types. They attack in bunches, thus die in bunches. I get lightly buffed with Cat's Grace, Mirror Image, and Eagle's splendour (charisma is 24+, plus I have spell focus and gspell focus at this point). Creep up. Dominate the first person I see, then summon a shadow or do another domination. Then I easily arrow anyone casting a spell (disrupting it usually) while they all attack the dominated chumps. Quickly baddies are dead, then I run on while I still have fodder; more dead; rush on; more dead; summon 2 more shadows; more dead. And I'm all but untouched, still using same mirror image, still arrowing. ?? They seem to spend a round or two buffing themselves, or trying to, while I shoot them and my summons/dominated people chomp. Walzed around killing indiscriminatly, freed a bunch of people from prison, got a dumpload of xp's, kept going, hit level 16 and I'm like. Wow. That was way too easy.
Right now I'm trying to figure out how to open a few doors; I have to turn a wheel North, and another one South or whatever, but the trouble is I've only found ONE of the wheels. So far. Anyway.
At level 16 my reflex save is +20 when I have hope running...!! Will save a safe +17 or so, fort lagging at +11 or so. Man. I'm feeling pretty good. Of course, I spend 3 feats on save buffing, but...nothing TOUCHES me. I have a healthy respect for shadows at this point. They rock.
I also have scads of spells. Got level 6 bard spells now too; one of them summons a shadow cyclops (something big and huge and scary; I almost ran away the first time I cast the spell, I thought it was going to attack me!).
Is it that I've levelled up to fast? Level 16 is making me happy. Not many things can handle mirror image+imp. invis, I have noticed. Not too much dispelling going on, either. ... I trust the game WILL get difficult again. The orcs were MUCH harder (when I was level 8 or so. ouch!).
The AI (?) of the folks in the ice castle is a bit lacking - and it is here that AI weaknesses are really thrown in you face - I mean its an enclosed castle for cripes sake - can't the bozos down the hall hear the death cries of their sister priests as you make pin cushions out of them?
But I guess if everybody attacked as one - the overwhelming force would be great - and discouraging to the average player - hence the dumbed down AI for play balancing. This point in the game is a far as I have gone - I get really bored when I get to this point - I am hoping that my solo run will keep me interested to finish the game - if not I will live vicariously through Mr. Two .
Check out Mirrors Online a premier NWN2 roleplaying persistent world and D20 campaign world publishing project.
Sweet jesus, I think shadow summoning are overpowered.
My new tactic, not very clever I know but then I never claimed to be original or smart, is to scope out the big battles, then buff, summon 3 high-end shadow allies, then attack.
Like, for example, those lesser abolith things on the top floor of the ice palace, after using the dias to open the door. Mopped up the floor with them; even had 2 shadows standing AFTER the battle was over.
I'm a level 16 bard, I have no idea how powerful the summons are but they do the trick. Down a level, those people stuck in the mirror? Summoned 3 shadows, let 'em loose, and chaos results -- yes. But easy chaos. I just shot arrows at the one major wizard, then dominated 1-2 fighter types while my shadows ate and ate. In retrospect, the dominations were overkill; all I had to do was shoot the wizard and let the shadows do the rest. Shadow cyclops? Shadow skrag? Yes, you can do the dirty work.
As for me, this ice palace is getting to be a drag. I am no a big fan of puzzles, they are ok but, so much slow running around is killing me. I cast haste just to speed myself up! God. Anyway. Slogging through the battle tic-tac-toe game, and shooting lightening bolts to open doors. All in all, ho hum, and very low danger. I hope something scary is ahead.
I mean sucked, bit fat rocks through a tiny narrow straw.
What is the deal with the ice palace? Jeez, I had to run around up stairs down stairs like 10 times before I could get all the quests done. Go ethereal, kill stuff. Whack a priestess, run over stop her from going E, then whack whack. Ok that was fun enough but all this painting talking, treasure room, ring of ram, etc. etc. jeez. Who in this world is patient enough to battle all 39991188839991098893 monsters in the tic-tac-toe grid - o - doom? Not me, by a looooong shot.
Not a fun experience. I even, when I was about ready for a big fight and itching for it too (the altar), did something wrong. I talked the whirlwind OUT of the alter and it left. Is it because my diplomacy skill is 15+? I don't know, but it was pretty lame. Not even a big slam grind down spells slinging mess. Nuttin. Jeez.
Got Improved Haste as a 6th level spell, but it feels like overkill. I already shoot 4 arrows a round (3 for BAB, 1 for rapid shot). Make that 8/round when improved hasted. Is that sick? Yes. It sure did break BGII (improved haste in BGII did the same thing, and allowed , well, 8+ attacks a round for usually as long as big battles lasted).
Made level 17, ho hum. No danger in sight. Also no magic items to speak of (that are any good). Still using a +2 composite longbow, though I have a billion magic arrows now of types x, y, z.
Blah blah blah. I'm going to see what the next scenario features. Gotta return to the ship and do something or other. Big hero. yeah, that's me. Just gimme some coffee. My eyelids are drooping. My stamina is running low. Icewind Dale II is no BGII that's for sure. Though why it seems so primitive by comparison bears some thought. For another day. Possible.
Originally posted by two What is the deal with the ice palace? Jeez, I had to run around up stairs down stairs like 10 times before I could get all the quests done. Go ethereal, kill stuff. Whack a priestess, run over stop her from going E, then whack whack. Ok that was fun enough but all this painting talking, treasure room, ring of ram, etc. etc. jeez. Who in this world is patient enough to battle all 39991188839991098893 monsters in the tic-tac-toe grid - o - doom? Not me, by a looooong shot.
Long time, no see, two. Welcome back! I don't have the patience for that stupid grid, either, especially when it results in your party getting teleported all over the place. (You don't get to see this as a soloist.)
There's nothing a little poison couldn't cure...
What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, ... to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.
Just plowing through the fell forest/wandering village screens. There is nothing like a pair of shadow greater werewolves to make somewhat difficult battles as easy as pie.
Really, these summons are too powerful. They regenerate like crazy, they do crazy damage, they last all battle and longer. As long as I can sleep every 2-3 battles, I have enough spells for buffing and summons-a-plenty. And, as you know, sleeping is ultra-easy in IDII. AT least, so far.
So, the game is a breeze at this point. Level 18 Bard, improved invis, mirror image, 2 shadow summons = end of battle.
A note:
Gosh, it must suck to be a fighter type. In my experience, the monster's to-hit values go up MUCH more quickly than your AC/Armor values. Meaning, from what I have seen of magic items, a typical fighter won't have much better than AC 23 or so. Full plate +1 for 9, +3 shield, +1 dex. Maybe one or two more deflection bonus, maybe. And this is as good as it gets. AC 25? Everything and it's uncle is going to hit that. I mean, lots and lots o-damage.
Where is all the good armor? Do fighters just get HAMMERED? Range rules, if it's bows or spells. Spell casters are the way to go. I could solo a paladin or ranger (semi-spell casters) but a barbarian or fighter would just get eaten alive. They don't have enough tactical choices, I don't think. Just wade into it, and get slammed. When an orc can do 10-40 damage with an axe, and you get surrounded quickly, this is not a good plan.
Best spell in the game? Improved Invis. It's the best armor out there, it's like AC100. Well, half the time. This, and a good high level summons spell.
Yea, fighters get hit a lot. I agree game design needs more tweaking.
There's nothing a little poison couldn't cure...
What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, ... to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security.
I also was suffering, before I left, from IDII fatigue. I realized, with a shock, that a large percentage of the time I was simply sitting back and watching the game play itself; meaning, my summoned beasts were fighting the game's summoned beasts, and my Bard was just going ho hum in the background.
I did play a tiny bit further, and got some fun back in the game.
I'll relate more in a bit. I have to load it up and try to remember where I am...
I have not really written about it since I tried to get into the underdark. This is my experience.
Used: refers to number of shadow summons used.
Required: refers to my estimate of shadow summons actually needed.
Note: for the purposes of this post, the canonical shadow summons is a greater shadow werewolf.
OK got the the cave with 2 frost dragon things. Used: 5. Required: 2. After killing these 2, we were all standing, and then we killed all the dopplegangers too. Incredible, none of my summons died the whole time.
Underdark cleansing of the Hook Horrors: used 10 (in 2 waves). Required: 10. There were a million Hook Horrors. But very easy with Greater Werewolves. I even used my bard song, just for fun, and cast Emotion: Hope over my band for extra gnarl.
Dwarves: lots a talk.
Some guy with bears and mages: Used 5. Required:4. tough battle, I had to run away from it/retreat and just send the summons in. Safer that way.
Underdark: Driders. God, millions of them. Used 10, in 2 waves of 5. But oh my. I discovered something disgusting. Improved Haste is AREA effect. Bunch you shadows together, cast Improved Haste, and then let them go. Have you SEEN what an improved hasted Greater Shadow Werewolf does? It's sick. This trick made the driders a snap, the drow a dnap, the original group a snap, the traders. It was boring, I did not take a HP of damage the whole time, I don't think.
Trying to work through the Mind Flayer lair thing, but they can't handle werewolves either. Sigh.
Watching the game play itself is getting to be a drag.
Why is this game so unbalanced? VERY VERY hard at low levels, VERY VERY easy at higher ones. Spells just too powerful. My take.
Solo play is a major problem here - in a Solo game you achieve too high a level too early - Soloing is hard at low levels and ridiculously easy at higher levels. The games difficulty is geared towards partys - as are the xp awards. In effect - you are playing the game in a way that the designers did not intend. I personally enjoy soloing as well - but only until I reach the point where the challenge has completely gone - In BGII that was in the underworld. In IWDII - it seems to be just after the ice castle.
I think your points about the ease of play at higher levels is a function of the limits of the AI of the game. Scripting a computer game to be able to scale up the challenge against an intelligent human player is a tough balance to maintain. Usually the game designers have to resort to bending the rules for the computer to make things more difficult. Add to this the need to allow players to advance to higher levels (powergaming is alive and well) and you have a very tricky situation for the designers.
Then there is this evil thing called "play balancing" that any commercially released game seems to have to include. The game must be tough - but not too tough or the average player will become frustrated - and it will not sell well.
The various mods for BGII are meant to address this and give the players a suitable challenge. These mods do not have the restrictions of a commercial release and therefore can make things very challenging for players.
That being said - I do not enjoy the extreme difficulty of the various mods. I enjoy playing these games at lower levels where there is a good challenge and more RP elements.
Hence - I play NWNs online - on Argyle - a Hard Core Rules world with perma-death, DMs, ramped up monster AI, low xp handouts, and roleplaying aplenty. I still enjoy single player RP games - but usually only to a point in the game where the AI can no longer keep up.
Check out Mirrors Online a premier NWN2 roleplaying persistent world and D20 campaign world publishing project.
It does not look like I will finish the game, sorry.
It's just boring... I'm remembering how much fun I had with BGII and this just pales...
The last straw was the black dragon, after killing everything at this jungle temple. I put in a stelae, boom it appeared. I was still buffed up from the slaughter within (improved invis and mirror image) so I quickly cast improved haste on myself and strarted shooting arrows. The everlast arrow did not work; arrows of peircing did (I guess the dragon has to be hit by +3 or +4 weapons).
So, I shot arrows. Lots. And Lots. Lots. When the dragon hit me down to within 2 images, I re-mirror imaged. I had 4 mirror image spells to use. After around 55 arrows the dragon was almost dead. At arrow 60, and on my last mirror image spell, it dropped.
I never took melee damage at all; the dragon either missed because of improved invis (even after using blind fighting) or hit an image. I took acid damage once in a while, not a lot at all. I had emotion: hope going to improve damage on my arrows. Overall, seriously blah fight.
I'm outta here. It was, well. Kinda fun. Some, while it lasted. Sorry I won't be slogging on. Oh well!