yet another userunfriendly super cheese, stop reading if you dont want your mind contaminated....hehehheheh
This one is seriously evil beyond belief, evil, evil, evil, evil...
any way, did i mention this was evil????
the mask of twilight(helm) and edge of twilight(ring)...first you need the adamantium helm of tohan plugin from the elder scrolls official plugin site, then go to the site above, and pick up the jewelry plugin...
install both, then get the adamantium helm, one ring, with a enchant point of 250...the jewelry plugin comes with 3 versions of the jewelry sold by the merchant, copy into data directory version 3....the items are very expensive, but each item holds 250 enchant points...yes you can do this with standard exquisite rings and such, but the spell duration is short...
enchant the helm with constant effect, invisibility...
enchant the ring (with 250 enchant points)
bound dagger 45 seconds
bound helm 45 seconds
chameleon 100% 45 seconds....
if you do this with exquisite standard rings, the duration will be around 15-20 seconds, i think....
so how do they work???
equip the go invisible, now talk to someone, or swing your weapon, and you turn problem, the game handles invisibility and chameleon like baldurs gate handles true invisibility and improved invisibility....
now activate the have a bound dagger, your helm is replaced by a bound helm, and you are improved invisible, or chameleon for 45 seconds, during which you attack a target, get critical hits, and obviously act like a evil morag tong 45 seconds, the bound dagger dispells, the chameleon wears off, and the bound helm disappears....
and when the bound item replacing a normally equipped item disappears, the normal item is automatically equipped!!!!
you lose chameleon, but suddenly, you are now invisible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
because you have just equipped the face of twilight, with its constant effect invisibility....
which immediately takes effect, and you vanish from sight!!!
so, when you are doing a really nasty dungeon crawl, equip the ring, the helm should be on you at all times, and before stepping in, you activate the ring, wait for 45 seconds, now you are invisible...
when you see a monster, you activate the ring, and during the 45 seconds of chameleon, you attack, kill with critical hits, and when the timer for the ring wears out, you are suddenly invisible again...
why is this better than making some items with constant effect chameleon?? cause its selectable,and rather than having to deal with the pain of constantly equipping and unequipping items, you simply pick the enchanted item, activate, and you are good for as long as you have charges in the ring...and if you have high enchant skill and use vivec or saints, no problem....
also, you are getting full invisibility with attacks using 1 helm and 1 ring slot...saving your precious other ring and amulet slots for other good items you make...
some other ideas i am currently working on...
dagger of the star, a daedric dagger, with cast on strike, invisibility target self....your first strike will not be critical, but your next strike will be critical damage...
if some kind soul knows of a plug in with weapons greater than 100 enchant points, please post, since i want to make a staff of magi, a staff with constant effect invisibility...(requires 100 points, ebony staff is 90...grrrrrr...) if like many of you control your character by the num pad, a quick tap, and you equipp the staff of magi, then attack, doing critical damage, then you lose invisibility, tap, tap, and you are invisible again...i wonder how the monsters will handle this....
i also found that jump constant effect of around 50 will let you move around morrowind very conviently...2 rings and 1 amulet, i get a constant effect jump of 50 or so, and this is much better than jump of 100, you have so much more control, but cover ground incredibly fast, best effects of both spell assisted jumping, and levitation...try it, equipp then go from balmora to vivec, its actually fun to travel...
i am still a cheese master...