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Final Fantasy 11

This forum is to be used for discussion about any RPG, RPG hybrid, or MMORPG that doesn't have its own forum.
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Final Fantasy 11

Post by Aegis »

Alright, ladies and gents. Here it is. FF11 has been annouced, and not just for PS2. Thats right, Sony has decided to release it not only for the popular (and powerful) console, but for the PC as well. It's due out sometime this year (early, by their hopes, but later knowing Square), retailing at roughly $50-$60 price range. It will be purly online, that means internet connection is a must, and it will (sadly) be a subscription based game play, costing roughly $10 a month.

If you guys want any more info on this game, just mention it, and I'll dig up whatever they want to tell me on it. Enjoy.
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Post by Stilgar »

jippieajookajee as whe say in the Netherlands.
Would like some more info, but I wouldn't mind digging it up myself
I do not have the touch, nor do I have the power.
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