take a battle axe or war hammer, and have it, cast when it hits, cast chameleon on self, 100% for about 1-3 seconds...
you are when you hit something, casting chameleon on yourself for about 1-3 seconds...
this enchantment combines the best effects of calm humanoid, calm creature, backstabbing, and demoralize creature or humanoid...
you see, when it hits, you are invisible, and the enemy often loses lock and runs off looking for you, and you run after it and finish it off with subsequent hits.. and if you chase it, you often get critical hits, and often after you hit a enemy, they forget you are there, so the follow up blows are completely unopposed by the enemy...they simply forget you are there, and you get free swacks...
and due to some peculiarity of the game engine, 1/5 FIRST hits do critical damage...
i mean i have played uber cheese characters with constant effect 100% chameleon before, clearing out really tough lairs with no difficulty, and my weapons did critical damage less often than just running up to a enemy with axe drawn back, and hitting it in the FRONT....
we all know that a sword with calm humanoid cast when strikes is a super cheesy weapon, but this one is even cheesier, cause you get the same effect as calm humanoid, they just stand there and take it, and you are even protecting yourself from any possible retaliation...they forget you are there, they take critical damage, and they run off...
how cool is that for a enchantment that only costs 15 points, and consumes very little charge per hit!!!!!
if i really wanted something evil, i would put this in an ebony staff with some damage health...
best of all, enemy magic resistance does not mean squat, since the weapon's magic affects YOU, so you are spoofing the ai, and do not have to burn thru the enemy magic resistance or reflect spells, or whatever...
the blink hammer and shadow axe...
kinda funny,
dagoth whatshisface: where the frick did that pocking naevarine go???he just whacked me good....oooph!!!
navarine: hehehehhehehhehehehh!!!!!!!!!!!!!(as he blinks back to visibility, he then hits the ash ghoul, and the ash ghoul blinks as the navarine disappears)
ash ghoul: where the heck did you go?? urghhhhh!!!
try it, even with a low level enchantment early in the game, this weapon can make some serious challenges much much easier...you still can get hit with ranged attacks, tho....