Opinions abound... {EDIT} there are some links and opinions on this site that speak about Australia that you might find interesting, .
Hummm, Australia and the UK.... I don't know if John Howard has any connection to the CFR or the Tri-Laterialists but he did an excellent job disarming the citizens of Australia. I do know that there are implications of the British Royals being connected to the global bankers (one of the, purported, driving forces behind globalization).
Tony Blair hitching his entire political carreer to GW's wagon is a bit perplexing unless he's been promised an important part in the aftermath.
Once again, I must emphasize that these are just my opinions.
Now, this could be about oil, but not from the stand point of feeding the fossel fuel consumption of the US. We import most of our oil from Canada, Saudia Arabia and Venezuela (also the UK, Mexico and a few other producers). Actually the French and the Russians, not to mention the Chinese, have deep investments in Iraq and could loose a great deal of money and power if GW actually does put Iraq'a oil in a 'trust fund for the future of the Iraqi people' as he has stated. This could be a power play by GW and the actual forces behind him for a power grab that would further marginalize a major part of the EU and Russia as well.
This could also disrupt Japan's infrastructure since they also import almost all of their fossel fuels from the Middle East.
But if you look beyond the obvious there are other potentials that a war in the Middle East could act as a springboard for. (Speculation follows - although I cannot claim sole ownership of same...). While the US and most of the rest of the West is preoccupied with Iraq, expecially if there are massive casualties, the North Koreans could use this diversion as an opportunity to attack S. Koera (Kim is afterall a 'madman' you know), China could act against Tiawan and the Mullahs could light the fuse of Fundementialist revolution in Pakistan thus prompting a nuclear showdown with their traditional enemy India.... Even if World War III doesn't erupt, Orwell put forth the concept quite well in 1984 with wars and rumors of wars being used by tyrannanical governments to convince their populations that relenquishing liberty for safety is in their best interests.
I firmly believe that the game is afoot, as Holmes said, and we may be in for a rude awakening either voluntarily or involuntarily.
When in doubt, reboot.