After enduring several months without internet access (Russia does that to you), I am back online with a new machine and a vanilla fresh install of BGII on my HDD
Glad to be back
I was wondering, what resolution do you all play BGII at? I've got a pretty big new monitor (21" Eizo) and I'd like to increase the resolution as high as possible, but for some reason the game would only start properly at 1024x768. I am running a GeForce 4 Ti4200 (o'clocked) on an Athlon XP 2600+ with 1Gb 333 DDR. BGII w/ToB is patched of course, and I run WinXP Pro SP1. Have others had any luck running the game at one of the higher "unofficial, unsupported" resolutions? If yes, what graphics card/machine are you running?