My goal is to create a Swashbuckler dualled to Archer (the Generic Archer kit from one of the mods). I've always been wondering about this -- in SK in the Characteristics-Kit you can specify only one kit (in this case it would be the Swashbuckler, right?) is there a way to add the characteristics from the second kit (archer)?
I know you can add a kit's Innate abilities, but that doesn't port over the rest of the second kit's bonuses, i.e. thaco, ac, and in this case missile weapon bonuses (if possible I would like to get the elven racial bonuses too).
Please enlighten me!
O, User - Exalted Master of Cheese, a call to you...
I'm not sure how you do such a thing.
I believe I got a message from UserU.......and I also believe there has been a post about such a thing before.
I have too check
The problem is, (I believe) is that you can't dual an Archer. I think its only possible to multi.
"Sometimes Dreams are wiser than waking"
"One day I will leave this world and Dream myself to Reality"
"Dream your life, live that Dream"
"I have a Dream"........Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.
I guess going back to creating my swashbuckler/archer, i guess i have to manually hack in the thaco & damage bonuses not only at the offset but each time as the character levels up to a certain level. hmm. I guess adding the special ability manually will give the special effects of called shot if you do it for a high enough level -- can anyone verify this??
Hmm, it sounds like too much of a hassle . Also not to get the character stupidly overpowered I have to take into account the thaco & damage bonuses of a regular fighter (what I've really dualled into) as he levels up. Further, the manually added thaco & strength would apply to all weapons regardless, right? i guess there is no simple way to add the former to missile weapons only...
Oh well. Maybe I'll just have to deal with a vanilla archer, elven of course with 19 dexterity. And perhaps give him the custom portrait/sound set of Legolas from LoTR movies