Originally posted by at99
Do you know how angry people in Australia and US /UK are about recent terrorist attacks ? 9/11 & Bali
I thought we agreed that emotional arguments were less valid than factual arguments? How angry people are is neither an argument for, nor a measurement of, how morally or legally correct their behaviour is. I am sure Osama was very angry at the US seeing he planned the attack, does that justify the attack? If I am very angry at you, does that justify my hitting you in the head with a sledgehammer? I am sure you see that degree of anger, just or unjust, is not an argument for the rights to start wars.
Do you know how ridiculous you sound when you are against removing a mass murderer from power who has violated many UN resoultions and refuses to comply with 1441 with cites (serious consequences with failure to comply)
That is your personal opinions, there are other people who have other opinions as I have examplified and as you can find in other threads about the war here on this board. Many of the international news websites also have different analysis of the situation where different opinions are presented. Many contries have weapons of mass destruction. Many contries suffer from having a cruel regime that kills the population en masse. What makes it more right to invade Iraq than those other countries, especially now when the weapon inspectors have made progress? Note that there is no international consensus whether Iraq is violating resolution 1441. On the contrary, the UN inspectors have recommended that inspections continue.
Also note that even if there was a consensus regarding the resolution, everybody does not agree with the content and even the existance of the resolution - and also note that "serious consequences" does not necessarity need to equal invasion war and exiling the regime.
Have you got any idea of how angry people are with France in UK/US and Australia.
Again, degree of anger is not an argument. Anger is a human emotion that are triggered in many different situations, rightfully or not. As such, it cannot provide basis for the question if something is morally and legally correct or not. You do realise that people in Germany, France, Spain, Sweden or Hungary are angry at the US, UK and Oz for wanting this war? Again, anger is an emotional reaction, not a part of the toolset used for judging the ethical issues of war.
How many people does sadam have to kill before nations (like france, Sweden) get off the lazy behinds and show some moral courage. It seems human rights is not a big deal for some people and it does not matter how many people rogue nations kill because the UN wont stop you?
And why cant the UN outlaw rogue nations everywhere.
What is a rouge nation, at99? Do you buy in to the present US administration of the concept? What is the difference between the nations with mass destruction weapons that violate human rights and who have been branded rogue nations by the US, and those who haven't? Why is Israel not branded a rogue nations when they are the country who have violated most human rights the last 50 years? What are the justification for the concept and on what fundation shall the right to act against the said nations rest? And who shall judge?
How much does France have to obstruct UN diplomacy so war happens C Elegans. How many weak responses must English speaking countries endure from Eurpean countries about rogue nations CElegans?
Please explain to me how you reason to arrive at the conclusion that France's protests have caused the US and UK to start this war? I do not understand what you mean by your last sentence, please describe more in detail what you mean, or illustrate with an example.
You want facts (I got them but do you want them?)
Why has you arguments failed to stop nations from attacking Iraq C Elegans, maybe you should try to convince Blair and Bush.
Do have a fixed view against the US C Elegans in which no amount of facts can sway you?
Please do present your facts because I found a very sparse amount in your last post. You are of course entitled to your opinions, but as I stated previously, you often critise others posts in generlised, unspecified manners and you also use ad hominems.
I cannot speak for Bush and Blair but in this and other threads there are a fair amount of arguments for a war and also thoughts about the motives Bush and Blair have for the war, so I refer you to read that.
My view of the US or the UK as nations is irrelevant as to why I am opposed to this war. It wouldn't matter if it was Sweden or India or Tanzania who was about to invade Iraq, my opnions are a question of principles, not specific countries.
EDIT: I see you have been warned, at99...I really do recommend you to do some reading on how to debate properly, how to express ones opinions even when they are strong, without name calling and incorrect generalisations, but with the use of valid arguments.
Here is a good site.