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The horror of 'The Horror of Castle Xyr'

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The horror of 'The Horror of Castle Xyr'

Post by Waverly »

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong, or at least what I may miss out on if I preemptively slaughter the audience?

Here’s the problem: I am wandering around Mournhold on the trail of the dark brotherhood, when I happen upon this stage. Talking to the guy backstage leads me to the option of volunteering to act in the play, ‘The Horror of Castle Xyr.’ Sure, why not? I quickly find that the audience is a bit hostile, and fumbling your lines can lead to a pretty serious insurrection… so I go back, and jot down a few hints from the provided script. However, even now that I can give a flawless performance, one black-shirted audience member insists on hacking me to pieces about ¼ of the way through the play.

Is this a bug? What is the reward for finishing the performance with your head still attached?
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Post by speedball »

You aren't doing anything wrong. You are on the right track, you just have to survive the attack.

Once you survive, talk to some of the people involved with the play... All will be revealed.

I can provide a full spoiler if you want.
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Post by Waverly »

Thanks, Speedball
No spoiler needed now that I know it is planned. I had just assumed that if you keep to the script, you wouldn't be attacked.

My low level character gets pummeled pretty easily, and you can't levitate here. I'll just have to prepare a bit.
Then darkness took me, and I strayed out of thought and time
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