Originally posted by AGAPE
Some of you anti war & anti US people are stepping over the line right there. Well, just what would you like to have Bush and the rest of the world do, then? You guys are like, "Bush is so wrong! Blah, blah, blah. Americans are pigs! Blah, blah, blah. It's not morally correct! Blah, blah, blah." Just how much do you know to make those assumptions and claims that you can't back up with guts? Because all your buddies say so? You say those things because nobody ran an airplane into a skyscraper in your own country! Think about what you said from the perspective of an American. Listen to yourself! For one, my poor friend, who lost both her parents on 9/11, would be so angry and frustrated beyond words with your inane remarks, such as: "All this is, is a game of poker on a global scale." Not to her. Not to the innocent people who suffered.
First, I don't see anywhere in my posts that insulted Americans, nor did I voice my opinion of Americans, so many of these comments are unjustified. Also, I have the guts to back my comments up, it's all a matter of whats at stake. As for my buddies, why do I need them to tell me what to do?.
I said what I said for a very good reason. Americans are already, generally, looked down upon by many peoples of the world, hence the fact many Americans, while back packing through places in Europe and Asia, will wear the Canadian flag on their packs. As for the plane, no, Canada has been fortunate in the fact that we have not been the target of a
major terrorist attack, but because of our location, it affects us just as much as it affects you guys to the south. It may not have made the same blow, patriotically, as it did to Americans, but it hurts us in much the same manner in other aspects.
Also, whats wrong with telling it like it is. Politics, in a sense, is nothing more than a game of poker. It is true, and their is much proof to back that comment up in the guise of how politics work, and how world leaders will jockey around, often bluffing their way through, if they know they got no choice (Canadian politics are summed up big time there).
Think about how the US worked for the good of the world, even though the US did commit atrocities. But then, who DIDN'T commit atrocities from time to time? You are always complaing about and blaming everyone BUT yourself. What do you have to gain from criticizing every little thing? You want the accusation that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction PROVED. Ah, well, better safe than sorry. You want this perfect. You want that perfect. Blah, blah, blah.
Next. Look back in many threads in which I have discussed politics. I blame Canada, just as much as I'll blame any other country. Also, it's not a matter of who hasn't committed atrocities, it is a matter of the scale. It has gotten to a point in the world theatre that an atrocity means very little, unless it is major. The way I see it, Saddam wasn't attacking anyone, and appeared as if having no intentions of doing so, so why is it such a big deal if we actually give him the benefit of the doubt, and allow the search to continue, so we know for sure. Thats not demanding perfection, it's demanding justice. Going into a country because of a hunch (which is what the weapons thing is) is not jusitce, however you slice it.
As for the US doing good, well, can you explain the paltry amount the US contributed towards the clean up of Afganistan? Of the estimated $4.5 billion clean up tag, the Americans contributed less then $1 billion, yet they caused the majority of the destruction.
I understand you would like things to be ideal, but that's just not possible. Do you really think Bush is picking up where his dad stopped? I probably don't know as much as you do, or you me, but I don't think it's that simple. The world does not evolve around your witty theories. Just why do you think "the global image and opinion of Americans will only worsen?" Because you think Americans are bunch of idiots? So how come we are the world leader in education, medicine, science, not to mention economy and politics? How come we have the greatest power over global affairs? You better learn to be prudent when someone else stronger than you does something, even though you don't like this and that about it.
I'm curious to see where it was that I alled the Americans a bunch of idiots, and yes, I do believe that Bush is picking up Daddy's war, why else would he inadvertantly switch attention from the search for Bin Ladin to Iraq so swiftly, without making any substantial claims. This war, in all reality, has little to do with the Iraqi threat, but more to do with getting an oil pipeline through Iraq, which is something they've been trying to do since they put Saddam into power. It's a shame that Saddam thought of his country, instead of the Americans in that case.
Also, the advances the Americans have made are not in question, so that point is not very important, and why it was brought up, I'm unsure.
Somehow, I get the feeling that you don't want to admit what you already know. You know the war is going to benefit the majority, not just the US. But you are still objecting because of this and that and this and that. I don't think not a lot of people give a damn about morals, virtues, justice, etc. I wonder what the real reason is.
What would this be? I'm pretty sure I've made my stance pretty clear. Do I think people in general are morale? No. I, instead, believe that the
common individual is morale.
I just had to make the point that some of you tend to believe what you hear, interpret the information to your tastes, and share them irresponsibly. You might think, "Oh, I'm in Sweden or whatever, so I'm ok," but who knows if what you say is going to get you later?
Anything I say, I will stand by until proven with hard facts otherwise. How's that for conviction.
Lastly, in the future, don't make posts that are so blatently an attack on someone. I, and many others are quite lenient in that regardes, but everyone has a limit to what is acceptable. You're dangerously close to mine with that one.
edit: I made this post during the time in which Fable commented, thus did not see his warning post. I'm not editing out any comments, merely stating that if I did go encroch on your jurisdiction, sorry.