Originally posted by Aranan
Here's my first rough idea of possible weapon types:
PC --> Two Handed Swords (Carsomyr +5/+6.. is there anything else for a paladin to really use?)
Minsc --> Dual Wield Katanas (maybe another weapon type as well...?)
Jahiera --> Scimitar/shield although I've been contemplating using quarterstaves or spears.. which would work out best for this party?
Viconia --> Mace/Shield and Sling/Shield
Imoen --> Darts or Shortbow
Edwin --> Uh.. does it really matter?
Your pally - 2HSword is a good start, especially because you can get the Sowrd of Chaos, followed by Liarcor, and on to Carsomyr . Unless you have the GM patch installed AND you're going to GM 2HS, you may want to consider a dual wield style when interrupts really count (Say, axes or flavor to taste) and/or missile weapon as well. Also, consider spending a point or two in two handed weapon style for anyone using staves, polearms or 2HS Finally, don't forget there are some REALLY nice spears & polearms (Impaler, Ravager, Dragon's breath)
Minsc - well, I agree with hammers & flails ultimately. Of course, he ought to stay with at least two stars in bow, IMAO. 2HSword is a nice start, though, and he can use your hand me downs. Katanas are ok, but none really make it in the late game, compared to Crom Fayr, the Flail of Ages and the Runehammer in ToB. Alternatively, you could have Minsc and your PC split the two handed weapons expertise.
Jaheira - for my money - Clubs, Dual wield, Staves. Maybe a point in darts and/or Scimitars - I had her dual wielding Blackblood and Belm off hand for a while. At the end she was mostly using that whizzo druid staff and the Staff of the Ram. You could consider spears as an alternative to Staves.
Viconia - have her use that 18 STR mace and a shield normally untill you can get her a STR item. Mostly she should be second string into a fight anyway - her THACOs are hardly stellar. I guess you could pass her some staves, too, but I'd leave her with a shield.
Imoen - Short bow, long sword, staves, katana, flavour to taste
Jan - I'd get him short bow ASAP, that crossbow is sloow, and the stuns will soon stop working on anyone who is a threat at all. In ToB I had him using staves occasionally.
Edwin - hardly critical as you say. Staff of the Magi is the best melee weapon, with a throwing dagger or dart like the boomerang dagger/crimson dart/firetongue. Untill he's using the staff on dispel duty, he should only melee in self defence.
Really, the last three should be using the weapons the front three don't want.
My 2 gold worth...Have fun!
I have given up all lesser evils as inadequate to my purpose.