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How do you get the thieves guild back after u lose it??

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How do you get the thieves guild back after u lose it??

Post by Memnoch »

I got caught up killing shadows in the Umar Hills when the quotamaster of the Shadow thieves went to collect Renal's tribute from my guild. By the time i got back to my guild Renal had closed it down BUT i could still provide direction to my thieves and collect revenue. BUT I cannot do any special tasks/operations. So I went to Renal and paid him 4000 gp to get it back but as soon as I paid him a message came up informing me that i had lost it again. Paid him again, lost it again. Did it three times to no effect. Went back to the guild, slept for 5 DAYS STRAIGHT waiting for this quotamaster to show up but he never did. Is this a bug or has anyone gotten out of this.

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