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Dragon's Eye once more (spoiler)

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Dragon's Eye once more (spoiler)

Post by Aremah »

"The story goes a little bit something like this":

This is my first time playing IWD2. It's all fine and well, but I've run into a problem in Dragon's Eye level three that won't let me continue with the game. When I lower the drawbrige and kill the Efreets, Thorasskus is standing there in his human boy form. I have no Paladin in my party, and as such - no means of exposing him directly. I've read up on the GameBanshee walkthrough, and it mentions going to Nheero Fhutma to talk about him (amongst other things). The problem is - Nheero won't appear. I've given him the modified Histachii brew, waited till he turned back, talked to him about the Feyr, and he mentioned he needed a library, so I directed him to the one on level three. So he goes off but doesn't appear. He's nowhere to be found, and I have no way of exposing the priest. Does anyone know what to do in this situation? (how to make Nheero appear or how to expose the priest without a Paladin)

I tried attacking the boy directly, but he takes absolutely no damage and does not go hostile, so that's out of the question. I've also tried resting (about 10 times, that's 80 hours), but to no avail. I'm running version 2.01 Collector's Edition, btw.
Aremah Design - The Ghetto Times

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Post by Aremah »

Uh... and I found him in the level two alchemy lab :rolleyes: Kind of weird (he's not supposed to be there), but still, this topic is to be considered closed, I guess.
Aremah Design - The Ghetto Times

Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
Musha Shugyo - Yojimbo - Shinobi - Kunoichi - Mahotsukai
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