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Post by Antimatter »

I'm playing a rogue through single player and I decided I'd play human because I couldn't get the stats I wanted otherwise. Now I'm trying to decide what to do with him when I hit higher levels. Going all the way to 20 seems pointless for a rogue. I want to at least get to 13 for two rogue feats and I'd like to get to 15 for the 8d6 sneak attack. Right now I'm level 3 and I'm going for two weapons with weapon finesse, and I've got a bow for backup. It seems that the bow is working better, though, because my henchman (the monk) seems to enjoy running into a group of enemies and alerting them to where I am, therefore messing up my whole ambush thing. So where would you go from there?
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Post by Indra »

I've played rogues through OC and user modules for quite some time now. If you're lvl3 I'm assuming you've already taken
1) Two Weapon Fighting 2) Ambidexterity 3) Weapon Finesse. At Lvl6 you'll need Point blank Shot for Ranged Sneak Attacks.
I don't subscribe to the theory that your char pays off at Lvl20. I like to play different chars, so my test for a interesting char is how well he can hold his own against an Overpowering / Impossible Opponent at Lvl12. Lvl20 is a long way away, I want to enjoy the journey, not think about the Uber char I will have at Lvl 20. All my builds start paying off at Lvl8-9, with maturity at Lvl12. After that, you can enjoy the char, not worry about levelling up to stay alive.
With that in mind, some suggestions:

1) If you're adamant on sticking with 13 Rogue levels, take one level of Monk. It will stiffen your Fortitude and Will Saves, (It's the equivalent of 2 Feats - Great Fortitude and Iron Will) and give you Cleave as an Extra Feat. Take one Level of Fighter to give you access to Weapon Specialization. (Plus it improves your Fortitude Save - another Great Fortitude) A Ro13/M1/F1 is better than a Ro15. Anyday. And take these classes early, not at Lvl15. You can use them on the way.

If you're flexible about multiclassing your rogue, here are some suggestions:

1) Take some levels of Wizard, till Lvl3-5. Darkness & Ultravision is a rogue's best friend. Sneak Attacks galore! Plus the high intelligence reqs for Rogues make Wizard a natural Choice. I'd take at least 3 lvls of Wizard for Ro3/W3, and another 2 levels later on. Or you could be Ro5/W7 by lvl 12. This would give you 3 Stoneskins! ...Very Very useful.
2) Take levels of Fighter. This would give you Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization as feats. Do as much damage with a Shortsword as a Longsword!..Ro7/F6 --> Weapon Focus, Weapon Spec, 3 Extra Feats - you can take Knockdown/Imp. Knockdown + one more Feat. Plus you get discipline as a class skill, so YOU won't be knocked down or disarmed by tough opponents.
3) Take both Wizard & Fighter! The dream of F/M/T from BGII, finally realized in 3rd Edition D&D. My current char is a Ro3/F2 about to become a mage. He will be Ro3/F2/M5 by Lvl 10 and Ro4/F3/M5 by Lvl 12. The ultimate in Versatility...
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Post by Antimatter »

Well for this one I want to mainly have a rogue so I do want to try and get to level 13. The R/W build sounds like something I might try online. I think I'm going to take 1 level of monk and then take fighter levels as needed. What weapon would you recommend to get specialized in? I haven't played through the whole OC yet (but I have 5 chars in ch1 :) ), so I don't know what weapons are good. And also, is there any way to stop my henchman from being stupid?
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Post by Indra »

You've taken Weapon Finesse and want a high dex, obviously, so you have 2 choices - Rapier and Shortsword. Both can be upgraded in exactly the same way, but the Rapier has a better critical range (17-20) against (19-20) for ShortSword. However, weilding the Rapier in both hands incurs penalties of -4/-4 against -2/-2 for the Short Sword. It's a personal preference - Higher probability of a Critical Vs. Higher Probability of Hitting .
For Henchmen, there is an AI mod out on NWVault by Pausanias - it's called "Battle Inventory and Henchmen AI mod" or similiar. It allows you to manage henchmen inventory and provides more commands. It also makes enemies smarter - they will use Hide/Move Silently, Sneak Attack, etc. Now you'll see why Goblins are very dangerous...
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Post by Nippy »

With a Rogue I'd say your best bet is to go for a higher opportunity of a hit, if you run the risk of not hitting every time, then you may be overwhelmed. Take for instance a fight with a Warrior class, where you have to whittle that character down, rather than strike for huge amounts of damage.

On the other hand, if you can gain a Critical Strike whilst Sneak Attacking then you may gain the advantage, plus if the odds are high that you DO hit for critical, then you're better off.

I suppose it's a question of odds and preference.
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Post by Antimatter »

I think I'm gonna go for short sword. I like to hit people ;) . Also, I have that mod with just the henchman commands, but there's no option to make them stay...
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Post by dude87 »

About the henchmen monk......Does he do you any good, such as taking the full brunt of most monsters?? If he dosn't, then dump him. If he's giving away your position, and not giving any force out, then he's useless. But if he does give some force out, use the pause hotkey (spacebar) a lot so you can plan your attacks right when you see the enemy. Good luck :D
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