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Locations Spoilers

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Locations Spoilers

Post by gekk0lias »

Can someone post some locations of good items?
As in the the best or almost best

long swords
2 hander
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Post by Stilgar »

Originally posted by gekk0lias
Can someone post some locations of good items?
As in the the best or almost best

long swords
2 hander

Isn't loot ramdomized???
I do not have the touch, nor do I have the power.
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lonely wolf
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Post by lonely wolf »

IIRC he means where are chests with good items. I don't remember, but when you come up from the underground in the goblin fortress quest at the first chapter, you can find alot of good items in the barrels there... :)
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Post by lightningpig »

*names in parentheses are the non-HoF versions, and thus they might not be as useful as the HoF counterparts which I am used to... if you want me to explain why these are good weapons, let me know. hope these help you out.*


Light of Cera Sumat (Holy Avenger Cera Sumat)

Chapter: 5

Location: found in Hrothgar's Glen (old Kholsa's grave) in the Holy Avenger sidequest

Restriction(s): Paladin only

Golden Heart (*non-HoF version is worthless*)

Chapter: Prologue/1

Location: bought at Galloway Trading Post

Restrictions(s): you must have finished the game (at any difficulty) at least once


Life's Blood Drinker (Impaler)

Chapter: 6

Location: found at the Severed Hand Entrance

Twelve Paces (Nine Paces)

Chapter: Prologue/1

Location: bought at Galloway Trading Post

Pudu's Fiery Blight (Pudu's Blight)

Chapter: 6

Location: found on Captain Pudu's body in the Severed Hand Officers' Tower Lvl 4

[Two-handed Swords:]

Saga of the Wandering Sky (Wandering Sky)

Chapter: Prologue/1

Location: bought at Galloway Trading Post


Coward's Flight (Backblighter)

Chapter: 5

Location: found on body of Gorg, dread orc captain in the Fields of Slaughter


Big Black Flying Death (Big Death)

Chapter: 5

Location: bought from Conlan in Kuldahar


Mighty Scalecleaver (Scalecleaver)

Location: God knows, I haven't found it yet
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Post by lightningpig »

oh, and i forgot... the above weapons are NOT randomized. random item generators are not as common in IWD2 as in IWD1, at least in my experience.

basically, a lot of the good stuff will be found in the Hand of Seldarine, but that's to be expected.
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Post by gekk0lias »

tnx, thats exactly what I wanted.

See the thing is i try to plan my chars to use cool weapons, Cuz i hate making a party, specializing in longswords and then finding a really cool mace I cant use.

Can someone recommed the coolest weapons, if that doesnt sound to childish. I have 3 weapon types to chose to specialize in.
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Post by lightningpig »

it's natural to want the best stuff, so no need to worry about that

these are totally unofficial sets for a three weapon type party that i've run, so can i explain more on how they work if you want. anyway, if you have fighters you don't have to limit yourself to three kinds, but since those were your parameters i will structure my reply as such.

as a general rule, if you have a paladin he/she should have a proficiency in large swords in order to use Cera Sumat, which is *only* the single strongest weapon in the game (by single strongest, i mean if you have no strategy whatsoever this weapon will undoubtedly own the others, with the exception of ranged weapons which can always be cheesed)

on to the specifics! these are not be-alls and end-alls, so improvise as often as you can (it's more fun that way)

Cheese Option:


Stormshifter (Cloudkiss) - Throwing Axe
Big Black Flying Death (Big Death) - Throwing Greataxe
Twelve Paces (Nine paces) - Polearm (Spear)
Mithril Arc (Arc of Gold) - Longbow

The title says it all, anyone can develop a cheese strategy.

Brute Force Option (damage, damage, damage):

Large Swords

Coward's Flight (Backblighter) - Battleaxe
Light of Cera Sumat (Holy Avenger Cera Sumat) - Longsword
Scimitar of the Soulless +5 (Scimitar of Souls +3) - Scimitar
Life's Blood Drinker (Impaler) - Polearm (Spear)

CKD!! Uses sheer volume of damage to win (not for finesse people) SotS is there if you aren't a paladin (fast weapon, energy drain, dispel effect)

Ownage Option: (my favorite)


Coward's Flight (Backblighter) - Battleaxe
Kegsplitter of Shaengarne Ford (Kegsplitter) - Battleaxe
*Stunner (Headknocker) - Mace
Burst Mace of Disruption +5 - Mace
Pudu's Fiery Blight (Pudu's Blight) - Polearm (Spear)
Holy Swizarnian Hammer of Lucerne (The Hammer of Lucerne) - Polearm (Halberd)

*I have to check the name, my cleric has this weapon

Here's the main idea: Coward's Flight induces panic and slows, Stunner causes confusion and Pudu's Fiery Blight stuns and lowers magic resistance, the other weapons are there for some specific purpose (instant-kill of certain types of enemies, NOT JUST kegs)

alrighty, i hope this stuff is useful to you. there is actually more diversity in the stuff i run, but that's because i have more than three weapon proficiencies - so this is the best i can come up with.

also, something that isn't apparent from the stuff i listed, bludgeoning damage can be VERY useful (except in the final battle).

argh, one final thought... since all sets have the axe proficiency, you can use Screamer, which is a very entertaining weapon - not ultimately powerful, just entertaining.
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Post by Patrick »

Hey Lightningpig

Hey Lightningpig
Can you fill me in on a couple weapons.
1.) mighty scalecleaver
2.) golden heart
Please note I am in Heart of Fury Mode
I think I have the golden heart, isn't it that sword that changes names to the leading charactor, if so what is so special about this weapon.
Is galloway trading post in Targos?
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Post by lonely wolf »

You can also find the weapons you want and add your charecter at Dale Keeper2... (a great editting program for IWD2 :D )
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Post by lightningpig »

first things first, a slight correction to the ownage option - the maces proficiency should be replaced by the flails proficiency, and the HoF name of Headknocker is as follows:

Club of Confusion (Headknocker)

so apparently, both me and the equipment list on gambanshee were wrong, my apologies for that.

now on to patrick's query. what makes golden heart special are its abilities:

(+5 hit/dam/enc, +2 str/dex, +25 hp, perpetual haste, perpetual freedom of movement)

i found this especially useful because it freed up one of my ring fingers (now sans the ring of FoM). it is important to note, however, that this weapon is best at the very start of your HoF experience as your party maybe slightly under-equipped, as the game progresses this weapon becomes slightly obsolete which maybe the cause of your confusion as to its use. still, this is one +5 longsword that you will be hard-pressed early on to find a replacement for (though such replacements exist).

alright, just so you cannot doubt the authenticity of this statement, i checked the manual: the Galloway Trading Depot is indeed that store you find in targos town, also a clue to this would have been that the proprietor is named Deirdre Galloway.

another important thing to note: a lot of useful items come from the said depot, and though most of them become obsolete (except kegsplitter and twelve paces), they really help you get started the first time around (referring to HoF of course). however, not ALL of the items sold there are useful, so i would advice against buying every magic item there (unless you are collecting the items).

ok, as for mighty scalecleaver, i indicated in a previous post that i didn't know where to find it. on the bright side, i AM playing the game a third time with this particular party (just to reach that blasted level cap) so i may find it this time around (as i believe it is one of those items that is indeed randomized). in any case, i will let you know when i find it. i actually have two places in mind that i have a strong feeling about, so i guess it may be just a matter of time.

hope i cleared things up about the golden heart. oh, and yeah the full name of the sword is: 'The Golden Heart of (*insert name of character you used to talk to Deirdre here*)
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Post by lightningpig »

alrighty gekk0, here they are:


*from left to right, again names in parentheses are non-HoF versions. also, you have to have the patch installed otherwise you won't get anything (except the last one)

Air Genesi Gail Armor (Air Genesi Armor):

Chapter: 3

Location: bought from Nym in the Wandering Village

Celestial Aura (Aasimar's Aura):

Chapter: 5

Location: bought from Conlan in Kuldahar

Blessed Armor of the Clerics of Myrkul (Armor of the Clerics of Myrkul):

Chapter: 3

Location: bought from Nym in the Wandering Village

Armor of Tuqak Mauler the Fierce (Armor of Tuqak Mauler):

Chapter: 4

Location: bought from Heggr Splitsteel the rightmost Underdark merchant

Plate of the Balor (Plate of the Pit Fiend):

Chapter: 4

Location: bought from Heggr Splitsteel the rightmost Underdark merchant

Diamond Cutter (Diamond Cut):

Chapter: 4

Location: bought from Heggr Splitsteel the rightmost Underdark merchant

Mercenary's End (Mercenary's Lot):

Chapter: 5

Location: bought from Conlan in Kuldahar

Chain of Drakkas' Fury (Chain of Drakkas):

Chapter: 6

Location: found in center chest in the Level 4 Barracks in the Severed Hand
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Post by gekk0lias »

tnx :) cant wait to get to HOF mode
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