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Would like advice for second run through

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Would like advice for second run through

Post by Zelgadis »

I'm getting ready for my second run through the game and HOF, but since I'm not all to familiar with 3rd ed, I was hoping to get some advice and feedback on my party. Heres what I have somewhat planned:

Monk X Sorcerer 1 (the sorcerer level is for roleplay reasons)
Druid X
Theif X Bard X (I want to use this one as an archer)

I'm hoping someone could tell me whether or not this party will work, and I am getting confused on which races would be best for these. And don't get me started on stats. I'm used to rolling my stats and min/maxing, so I'm having trouble convincing myself that I don't need 18 in all the important ones.

Also, Are the classes I have planned going to be a problem? I am a little worried about the theif/bard, maybe I should make it a theif/wizard to maximize my skill points and get more wizard spells? or a theifX/wizardX/ranger1, to get a better thaco and proficiencies? And for the druid, maybe I should make that one a cleric? And will the monk be able to hold his own as my main tank?

And finally, what spells should I use chose for my theif/bard, and what weapon types should I focus my druid and theif's feats on?
If I asked, would you answer? Its your problem. Its a deep, deep problem. I have no way to ask about that... I have no elegant way of stepping into your heart without tracking in filth. So I will wait. Someday, when you want to tell me, tell me then. -Bleach
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lonely wolf
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Post by lonely wolf »

I can tell you it will not be easy to work with this party. I think the rouge/bard is fine, though the combination dosen't look good. the Druid is fine, though a tank would have been a good push. And IIRC, the monk suffers alot of penalties through multiclass. that's what I cam help with... :)
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Post by Ysen »

Bard/ thief looks like a waist of a character to me. I would consider using a fighter or a wizard. The fighter is to get through the first few chapters and is always really usefull (think about the extra feats a fighter gets). The wizard will really rock in the second half of the game (Necromancers and conjurers are my favourites). I use tond of fingers of death, horrid wiltings, fireballs, chain lightning and sunfires. I really have a preference for destructive wizards. The monk is another doubtfull partner in your party in my point of view. I just dislike the idea of using monks.

I would suggest to think about the following party:

All evil
Human Fighter (skills in bluff and intimidate)
Thiefling Wizard (Necromancer)
Drow Cleric
Fear is your only God!
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