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Alchemy question-Please help!

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Alchemy question-Please help!

Post by TiberSeptim89 »

Until now, I've never bothered with my misc. skills. But I regretted not choosing alchemy in the beggining. I was wondering, while alchemy may not be my major or minor skill, can I train up and still enjoy it?
Please tell me all about alchemy. I'm really a newbie at this, most of the time my classes that I create are combat based. I don't even know what you're supposed to do!
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Post by fable »

Look for masters who can teach you alchemy. There are many, at the various Mage Guilds. Note, you'll probably need to do quite a few quests and cave lootings first, so you can afford the cost, which increases drastically as your skill level rises.

You can also raise your skill level simply by successfully performing alchemy, but as that's nearly impossible with no skill, build up that skill with gold, first.

I'll leave the rest of the details of the refined science of alchemy to my peers, here, who are far more advanced in its mysteries. ;)
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Post by T'lainya »

You can build your kill up by eating the various ingredients too. All those plants and monster pieces are edible. Every time you eat an ingredient successfully your alchemy skill goes up. To actually create a potion you need a mortar. Adding the calcinator, alembic and retort helps improve the potion and reduce any negative side effects. You add the mortar too your inventory and equip it. You'll get a menu with 4 spaces for ingredients, clicking on a box will give a list of ingredients that you are carrying, each one has either a power or a question mark under depending on you skill level. For example crab meat has restore fatigue for it's first power. You click on a 2nd box and add another ingredient, if it doesn't have any effects in common with the first the potion effect box stays blank. If there's an overlapping effect, an effect will appear in that box. You don't need to use all 4 boxes althogh you can and you can add more than one effect if the ingredients are right. You'll fail most of your potions at first, but if you have enough ingredients you'll be succesful once in a while.
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Post by TiberSeptim89 »

Thanks, that helped me little, but it seems that the text "<Insert name> has no effect on you" comes out! Also, will mushrooms and flowers get their "ingredients" back after you've picked them?
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Post by T'lainya »

The "ingredient has no effect" will happen frequently at low levels as it depends on the skill level. The effects of eating an ingredient only last a short time, but it boosts the skill a little and is cheaper than training.
Hmmm good question, I really don't know.
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Post by Jofus »

Also, will mushrooms and flowers get their "ingredients" back after you've picked them? [/b][/QUOTE]

I think they do. I've gone back to places where I know I've picked and they seem to have "grown" back, although it did take some time. Be sure to get your hands on the Grandmaster's alchemy equipment as it weighs less and makes better potions. Homemade potions are much better than the ones you buy (or swipe :eek: )
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Post by Wanderer »

Yeah, first time I played, I had no idea about alchemy either. There's a lot of good sites on alchemy out there - check em out! They'll even tell you where's a free set of master kit. :cool:
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Originally posted by Jofus
Also, will mushrooms and flowers get their "ingredients" back after you've picked them?

I think they do. I've gone back to places where I know I've picked and they seem to have "grown" back, although it did take some time. Be sure to get your hands on the Grandmaster's alchemy equipment as it weighs less and makes better potions. Homemade potions are much better than the ones you buy (or swipe :eek: ) [/b][/QUOTE]

Yes, they grow back after a period of time. Just keep checking everything whenever you pass by some edible items growing along the paths. I'd say it takes about 5-7 days before things regrow but thats just a guess.
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