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Your Char + general questions

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Your Char + general questions

Post by Echoes »

I am going to buy the game tomarrow, and i was wondering what your guys Lvl/race/class/birthsign are. Also i was wondering if they alow you to have more than one char at a time, an example would be could I have a level 12 Knight and then a lvl 4 Mage? or are you only aloud to have one char( im not talkign about two char's playing at the same time). Im thinking that ill either create 1: Male Redguard Crusader or Knight or a Dark Elf Battle Mage. Any suggestiones for a class i should be if im a noob? Also, What is the spell system like. I havent heard anythign about it. Is it like Everquest where you have a spellbook and then u memorize a few then cast them? Are mage type char's powerful, i Havent heard anything about what spells you can get etc... Thanks
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Post by jayc15 »

choice is yours. u see what fits best for u.

Goin to War is not dying for ur country, its to make the other bastard die for his.

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Post by Jofus »

You can have multiple characters, just save them into their own games. It can be tough to keep track if you have several going. Make sure you end each game with a real save (not a quick save) or they will overlap.
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