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Ambidexterity v. Two weapon fighting

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Ambidexterity v. Two weapon fighting

Post by hwttdz »

Do Ambidexterity and Two weapon fighting stack? If you take ambidexterity is there any additional gain from the other?
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Post by lightningpig »

here is the information from the manual:

let ph=primary hand, oh=off-hand

circumstance (ph, oh)

normal penalties (-6, -10)
off-hand weapon is light (-4, -8)
ambidexterity feat (-6, -6)
two-weapon fighting feat (-4,- 8)
oh weapon is light + ambi (-4, -4)
oh light + 2weap (-2,-6)
ambi + 2weap (-4, -4)
oh light + ambi + 2weap (-2, -2)

the short answer is: yes, they do stack. in fact, they are usually taken together.
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