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Where to find Chimarvamidium? |>*SPOILER WARNING!!!*<|

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Where to find Chimarvamidium? |>*SPOILER WARNING!!!*<|

Post by Malaclypse »

I can't find the book that the guild mistress at Ald-Ruhn wants me to find in the mage guild of Vivec. I tried reasoning with her, but she claims she never heard of the damn book.
I also tried using the scrolls I got for accepting the mission on some chests, but either someone is constantly within visual range and prevents me to steal anything, or the chests are impossible to unlock.
And yes, I even tried to kill the woman said to hold the book, but she didn't have it on her, nor in the locked container on top of her desk or anywhere else in the room, or seemingly in the whole place. I even looked outside in the hall containing both the mage guild and the fighter guild, I rooted through every damn thing that could possibly hold the book, but couldn't find so much as a clue from all my efforts. Please tell me how to find the book. :-/
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Post by UncleScratchy »

It's in her storage room/closet inside a locked chest. Just enter the storage room, close the door so no one can see you, unlock the chest and take the book. There's another book in the chest as well that will give you some training so take it also.
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Post by Malaclypse »

Thanks man!
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